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RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS WELCOME Creating Responsible Learners: Strategies for Teaching Students to Take Control of Their Education DOE: IS179666 Brandman:

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Presentation on theme: "RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS WELCOME Creating Responsible Learners: Strategies for Teaching Students to Take Control of Their Education DOE: IS179666 Brandman:"— Presentation transcript:

1 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS WELCOME Creating Responsible Learners: Strategies for Teaching Students to Take Control of Their Education DOE: IS179666 Brandman: EDDU9399

2 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Yesterday I talked about learning styles. On the 20 Characteristics Sheet, it is #1 Understanding how you learn.


4 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Responsible learners know how to set goals for themselves. This gives them targets related to what they want to achieve in life. My guess is most of you in here today have goals.

5 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The most obvious goal is to move up on the pay scale. You know how many credits you have and how many you need to move to the next level. Based upon that goal, you have a plan as to what classes you will take and when.

6 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Do you have 5, 10, 15 or 20 year goals for yourself? Let’s bring it down to this summer!

7 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Summers tend to get away from us as teachers. We have great plans related to all the things we want to do and accomplish, and then the next thing we know it is time to go back to school.

8 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS On one of the 3x5 cards, we want you to write down two things you want to make sure you accomplish before you have to go back to school They can be related to family, personal, professional, etc.

9 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS It can be anything…not necessarily big. Call a friend…fix something in the house, visit someone, go to the doctor, clean out a drawer or the garage, try something new, take a class, get back to playing an instrument, read a book, workout… You are not going to share these goals with anyone in the class.

10 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Research tells us how important writing down your goals is in your ability to attain them. It changes them from dreams or “I’d like to” to specific goals which then create specific actions to take to achieve those goals.

11 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Research also tells us how important it is to have some accountability related to our goals. Studies show that you are more likely to disappoint yourself, than you are to disappoint another person. So sharing your goals with someone else, helps you achieve your goals.

12 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS By July 29 th, if you haven’t completed your goal, you have to email them telling them that! This is not to make you feel bad…it is to motivate you to do something you said was important to you.

13 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS So, on July 29 th, if you haven’t heard from the other person…you sent them an email.

14 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS As you assess you students related to goals…understand that some kindergarteners main goal will be not to fall asleep. This characteristic is much easier to do with older students.

15 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS -Ask them about their goals related to learning… -Ask them if they have a goal for the grade they want to get in the class -Do they have a goal related something that they want to learn -Do they have a goal related to behavior -Ask them if they have any long term goals

16 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS -Ask them about their goals related to learning… -Ask them if they have a goal for the grade they want to get in the class -Do they have a goal related something that they want to learn -Do they have a goal related to behavior -Ask them if they have any long term goals…college, careers, etc.

17 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions -Talk about goals -Share some of yours -Teaching them different goal setting models There are many models…find one that works for your age group of students.

18 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS S.M.A.R.T. S – Specific – Write it down…clarity M – Measurable – Can your goal be measured? A – Attainable – Is it realistic R – Relevant – Important in your life T – Time-bound – Give your goal a deadline.

19 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Think of the goals on your 3x5 card.

20 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Measurable…how can you tell you’ve reached your goal?

21 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Realistic…What are your chances of attaining the goal?

22 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS How important is it to you in your life?

23 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Deadline…July 29 th.

24 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS -Share goals you have in your life -Talk about it often…Social Norm Theory -Put it where you will see it every day…


26 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Having goals is great! But they are only dreams if you don’t have a plan to achieve those goals.

27 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS You had a goal of taking a class or classes this summer. You also had a plan…I might add a very good plan taking our classes.

28 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The goals are “WHAT.” The plan is really the “HOW” you are going to accomplish your goals. Goals with no plan, is more of a dream than a goal.

29 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Look at the two goals on your card. What is your plan for achieving those goals. What do you need to do?

30 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Simple assignment with your students…the complexity of this activity will change based upon the age of your students. Tell them they are going to give a party. The have take the following action. There job is to decide which order they do these actions.

31 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS -Order food -Pick a theme -Figure out a budget (how much money they have to spend on the party) -Pick a date -Find a place to hold the party -Send out invitiations

32 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS You taking summer classes… -Find out about available classes -Check dates against other commitments -Make sure you have the money -Sign up -Other responsibilities…child care, parents, pets, -How you will get there

33 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Assessment… -Do your students talk about the plans they have to achieve their goals -When you give them an assignment, do they know how to create a plan to complete that assignment -When they say they are going to do….and you ask them “How?” do they have an answer

34 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Talk about the importance of planning -Share how you plan -Provide them with planning models -Show them how to use flow charts


36 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Responsible learners know how to prioritize. They can identify what is most important in a situation and what is least important.

37 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS I can guarantee that you have some teachers in your school who are busy all the time. There are the ones who are always telling you that they don’t have time for this or that… And they are busy…

38 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The problem is that many of them don’t put their energies into the important things. The get things done…but not the things that matter. They sign up for a class…but realize they don’t have the money to take it.

39 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS People who prioritize focus on the things that matter. They don’t think about checking items off a “to-do list,” the think about what needs to get done.

40 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS As you access you class this coming year, look for the following: -Where do they put their energies -Do they see the big picture or get caught up on the little details -Can they sequence things that need to be done to complete a task -Can they identify what needs to be done now and what can wait

41 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Think about it related to the goals you wrote down… Will you make them a priority? Will this card get put someplace and the next time you think of it will be when I send out an email on July 29 th.

42 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Talk about it…what it means -Give them examples of what other students have done -When you give an assignment, have them create a checklist of what needs to be done and in what order…you’ll quickly see who can prioritize and who can’t. -Share how you prioritize

43 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Work backwards…If only one thing on the list could get done, what would that be. You’ve just identified the #1 priority. If only two things could get done…

44 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS If you are someone who creates “to- do lists,” learn to prioritize them. Next to each item on the list…give it an “A” “B” or “C” rating. “A” items need to get done today!

45 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS People who struggle with prioritizing, can check a lot of items off their list, but didn’t scratch off the important ones.

46 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS -Can they identify critical tasks -Can they arrange them in order -Can they adjust their priorities as the need arises


48 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Responsible learners are good at time management. They reflect…

49 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS How many minutes a day… -Reading -Texting -Games -Computing -TV -Surfing the web -Listening to music -Household chores

50 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS -Preparing meals -Talking with family and friends -Working -Other

51 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS You can’t manage your time until you know where you are spending it

52 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Time management techniques need to be age appropriate.

53 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Assessment… -Do they use their time in class effectively -Do they say they didn’t have time to complete the project

54 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Have them access where they are spending their time -Schedule events -Break projects down into doable parts and create timelines -Create deadlines

55 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Those four…goal setting, planning and prioritizing and time management easily go together and we would encourage you to do those for one of the five lessons.


57 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Responsible learners know how to get themselves to take action. This has to do with self-discipline and self-understanding.

58 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We talked earlier about you taking classes and some of your colleagues not. What motivated you…$$$ That motivation is there for your colleagues as well… Why doesn’t motivate them?

59 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The answer is that there are other things that motivate them more… The same dynamic is in play in your classroom. Some of your students are motivated by grades…some not.

60 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Some are motivated by your approval…other couldn’t care less what you think of them. Some are motivated to please their peers…others don’t care what their peers think.

61 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Others are not motivated at all as they are dealing with other issues in their lives…drugs, depression, dysfunctional family, etc. And some…are just lazy…



64 The main point is…there is not a single source of motivation.

65 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS What motivates you… -Family -Approval -Purpose -Money -Recognition -P0wer -Belonging/acceptance -Fear

66 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS I so enjoy working with Dave because he is such a “self-motivated” individual. I think I get a lot done…in comparison to Dave I’m a lazy guy. He is truly one of the busiest people I have ever known.

67 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Assessment… -Are your students motivated -Do they turn in their homework -Do they turn in quality work -Do they pay attention and want to learn

68 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Talk about it -Choose motivated people to associate to be around -Have goals -Keep those goals in front of you -Have motivating sayings around you -Don’t walk away from lazy people…run


70 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Responsible learners know how to control their emotions. They have developed coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with situations.

71 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Our daily lives are filled with situation and events that frustrate us.


73 One of the reasons you are success today, is that you have learned to control your emotions in those frustrating situations. Those that can’t control their emotions are…

74 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Fired from jobs… Prison

75 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Assessment… -Watch how your students respond when they are… Mad Sad Frustrated Bored Happy Hurt Disappointed

76 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Talk about it -Get help from your counselors with individual students -Teach them to take deep breaths -Walk away -Provide them alternative responses -Share your strategies -Think of consequences


78 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS This is the ability to evaluate your own work and behavior. This is very similar reflection, quality products and objectivity. I talked about it before as some of you have shared your own evaluations of your Portfolios.

79 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS To be good at critiquing skills you need to have objectivity and understand what constitutes a quality product. Again, these would be three that you could put together quite easily.

80 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS An example in your life…. Do you have someone who you were close to at one time and aren’t now? The relationship has changed.

81 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Someone who is good at self- critiquing can look honestly and objectively at what happened and what part they played in the lost of the relationship. What did you do or not do in the relationship?

82 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Assessment… -Do they reflect upon their actions -Can they tell you why they did or said something -Do they blame other people for things and never look at their part in the situation

83 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Provide them the opportunity to critique themselves -Make it a natural part of every lesson -Provide them with templates on criteria they can use to critique themselves


85 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We have the mistaken notion that creativity is only some innate ability and you are either lucky enough to be born with it or you’re not. Granted, it seems to come easier for some than others, but we all can be creative.

86 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS These following pictures are creative, but nothing any one of you in here could not have created.







93 We talked earlier about Dave having written over 30 songs. What is your creative strategy?

94 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Remember when we talked about study strategies related to remember the 10 things. When we put conscious labels on them, it makes it easier to replicate. The same is true for creativity.

95 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS More importantly, we all need to be creative. Our students will be facing problems and challenges we can’t even begin to know about today. Using old ideas, they won’t stand a chance in their new world.

96 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS So, being creative is really not an option in the future, it will be a necessity. Not just for being employee, but in your personal life as well.

97 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Artists and writers…. Gift versus developed

98 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Assessment… -Do your students come up with new ideas -When given opportunities to choose any subject to write about…they can’t come up with any ideas -They want you to tell them exactly what you want

99 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Actions… -Give them options -Have them observe the world…reflect upon it. -Ideas for a product -Think backwards -Combine dissimilar things -Play -Think how someone else could see this



102 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Turn to page #2 in your Portfolios.


104 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We are asking you to assess 10 of the 20 characteristics related to your students this coming school year. Depending upon the age, maturity and subject you are teaching, pick the 10 that the most applicable to your student population.

105 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS When we said analysis, we want you to look at your students collectively and determine if they possess this characteristic. We are asking for your observations here. NO STUDENT EVIDENCE!

106 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Similar to last week’s class…when school starts, start to look for how your students do in each of the 20 characteristics. That will give you your baseline and determine which of the 20 they need the most to succeed.

107 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Let’s use “persistence” as an example. When school starts, look for the following behaviors on part of your students.

108 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Do they give up easily on tasks? Do they come to you for help without trying to figure things out themselves? Do they do a good job until the material gets difficult? Do they quit if they don’t like the material? Do they seek out other people to help them?

109 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Three before me!

110 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Riddle: What runs but never walks, has a bed but never sleeps and has a mouth but never eats? What am I ?

111 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS As a group, you fit in the same categories as your students. 1.Some of you didn’t even try…you hate riddles. Think of your students who immediately give up because they hate…math, writing, science, group work, etc.

112 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS 2. Some of you put a small bit of thought into it…nothing came to mind, so you quit. The same as your students.

113 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS 3. Some of you are good at riddles and love the challenge. You might have figured it out or if you didn’t, you don’t want me to tell you the answer.

114 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS What responsible learners do is stick with it. Just because they don’t like it or it is hard, they don’t quit…they persist!

115 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS What is also important and what we will go over in this class, is that they have strategies. They know how to attack a problem.

116 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Think back to your class last year. How were they related to persistence?

117 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Turn to page #7 in your Portfolios.


119 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS A.We are asking you to identify 3 of the characteristics that you will be incorporating into lesson. B.Describe the changes you made in the lesson C.Criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes you made.

120 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS D.Collection of two pieces of student evidence that reflect the overall impact the changes made in student performance and behavior. Also fill in the captions. E.A detailed evaluation of the actions…did they work, not work, work with some students and not others…make sure you refer to the two pieces of student evidence to support your conclusions.

121 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The ones that you analyze and find are the most difficult for your students are the ones you should be taking action on. When we ask you for 3 actions…if you use similar actions it might be easier…. Goal setting/planning skills Reflection/critiquing skills Learning situations/learning partners Time management/organization

122 RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS So as we go over each characteristic, we will also give you ideas of actions you can take to incorporate it into your lesson. Whatever idea we present, we want you to think about how you could use that action in your classroom.

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