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James Monroe 1816-1824 “Era of Good Feelings”. Bare minimum lecture notes On War of 1812 and Era of Good Feelings (Madison and Monroe)

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Presentation on theme: "James Monroe 1816-1824 “Era of Good Feelings”. Bare minimum lecture notes On War of 1812 and Era of Good Feelings (Madison and Monroe)"— Presentation transcript:

1 James Monroe 1816-1824 “Era of Good Feelings”

2 Bare minimum lecture notes On War of 1812 and Era of Good Feelings (Madison and Monroe)

3 James Madison 1808-1816 War of 1812 symbolizes entire administration

4 War of 1812 -- War between US and Britain but… Really an “Indian” war between NW and SE American Indian confederacies

5 North = 1813 Tecumseh killed by William Henry Harrison 1813 Oliver Perry beats Britain on Lake Erie Old Ironsides sinks 2 British Man-O- Wars South = Creek “Red Sticks” are rebelling Andrew Jackson allies with Creek enemies (Choctaws and Cherokees) and beats Creek at Battle of Horseshoe Bend, 1814 (800 Indians dead) Results in US getting 23 million acres of Creek land 2 fronts of War

6 Treaty of Ghent, 1815 After Treaty is signed, Andrew Jackson is victorious over Britain in Battle of New Orleans Becomes symbol of US independence and newfound gutsiness

7 Henry Clay, Democrat Representative from KN -- proposes American System: National Bank Protective Tariff Internal Improvements

8 Monroe’s administration Characterized by peaceful diplomacy thanks to John Quincy Adams Rush-Bagot Treaty, 1817 (49 th parallel as boundary between Canada and US) Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819 (sets western border between US and Spain and gives FL to US) Monroe Doctrine, 1823 – Europe can no longer colonize W. Hemisphere – US will protect Mexico

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