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You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide.

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Presentation on theme: "You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide show view, click a points box to go to that question, then click to move to the answer slide. Click the left triangle to return to this game board slide. Preamble 10 20 30 40 50 Checks & Balances 10 20 30 40 50 Articles of the Constitution 10 20 30 40 50 Constitutional Convention 10 20 30 40 50 Potpourri 10 20 30 40 50

2 Preamble

3 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. The Supreme Court became our third branch of government. 10 Preamble

4 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Establish justice 10 Preamble

5 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. After hurricane Katrina, the National Guard went to New Orleans to keep people from looting stores and harming each other. 20 Preamble

6 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Ensure domestic tranquility 20 Preamble

7 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. The national government makes broad laws that apply all across the U.S.A., then the states make laws are needed and more specific to their needs. 30 Preamble

8 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. To form a more perfect union 30 Preamble

9 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. The national government imposes taxes and part of that tax money goes to keep up the armed forces. 40 Preamble

10 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Provide for the common defense 40 Preamble

11 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Requiring students to have immunizations is to protect everyone from the spread of communicable diseases. 50 Preamble

12 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Promote the general welfare 50 Preamble

13 Checks & Balances

14 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Who declares actions of the President to be unconstitutional 10 Checks & Balances

15 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Judicial Branch/Supreme Court 10 Checks & Balances

16 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. It takes 2/3rds vote of this entire branch to override a Presidential veto. 20 Checks & Balances

17 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Legislative Branch/Congress 20 Checks & Balances

18 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This branch can veto laws. 30 Checks & Balances

19 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Executive/President 30 Checks & Balances

20 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. They can declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional, but they do this more for state laws. 40 Checks & Balances

21 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Judicial Branch/Supreme Court 40 Checks & Balances

22 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Congress can take this action to keep BOTH the Executive and Judicial branches in check. 50 Checks & Balances

23 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Impeachment 50 Checks & Balances

24 Articles of the Constitution

25 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The articles that cover the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches 10 Articles of the Constitution

26 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Legislative – Article 1 Executive – Article 2 Judicial – Article 3 10 Articles of the Constitution

27 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land 20 Articles of the Constitution

28 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Article 6 20 Articles of the Constitution

29 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The Constitution would go into effect after nine states had ratified it. 30 Articles of the Constitution

30 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Article 7 30 Articles of the Constitution

31 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Full Faith and Credit and Privileges and Immunities are found here 40 Articles of the Constitution

32 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Article 4 40 Articles of the Constitution

33 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. 2/3rds vote of both houses of Congress and 3/4ths vote of all State Legislatures can change the Constitution 50 Articles of the Constitution

34 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Article 5 50 Articles of the Constitution

35 Constitutional Convention

36 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The Father of the Constitution 10 Constitutional Convention

37 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. James Madison 10 Constitutional Convention

38 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Reluctant attendant to the Constitutional Convention who became the President of the Convention. 20 Constitutional Convention

39 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. George Washington 20 Constitutional Convention

40 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The Constitution is actually a large…. 30 Constitutional Convention

41 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Bundle of compromises 30 Constitutional Convention

42 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The city that could have been the home of the Constitutional Convention, but not enough delegates showed up to that meeting. 40 Constitutional Convention

43 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Annapolis 40 Constitutional Convention

44 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The original mission of the delegates to Philadelphia in 1787 50 Constitutional Convention

45 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Fix/amend the Articles of Confederation 50 Constitutional Convention

46 Potpourri

47 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Both the national and state governments can tax us 10 Potpourri

48 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Concurrent Power 10 Potpourri

49 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The states make marriage laws 20 Potpourri

50 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Reserved Power 20 Potpourri

51 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A strong national government, popular sovereignty, separation of powers, and checks and balances were topics found in the… 30 Potpourri

52 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Federalist Papers 30 Potpourri

53 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Examples of these types of government are found in Great Britain, the U.S.A., and the European Union 40 Potpourri

54 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Unitary = GB; Federal = U.S.A.; Confederate = EU 40 Potpourri

55 Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The way all but one amendment to the Constitution was proposed. 50 Potpourri

56 Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. By 2/3 vote of Congress 50 Potpourri

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