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Skills Consortium; Changing Paradigms Peter Sheath.

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Presentation on theme: "Skills Consortium; Changing Paradigms Peter Sheath."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills Consortium; Changing Paradigms Peter Sheath

2 Collective “buy in” to recovery ideals Effective partnership formation Believable mission statement Meaningful representation * Vision Development

3 Leadership and management development programme Authenticity Competency framed Good to great philosophy Solution focussed Parallel process

4 Recovery Oriented Front Line Learning Development Programme Performance Development Framework Recovery Focussed Supervision Parallel Process Aspirational/Inspirational What now philosophy

5 Assets Based Recovery Planning ITEP Strengths based assessments Decisive shift from medical model Script loses its power base Visible contagious recovery Recovery becomes “cool”

6 Stimulating the Development of a Recovery Community Mutual aid groups; SMART, NA, CA, AA, etc. Faith based groups Recovery centres Peer mentors Recovery champions Targeted recovery

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