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1 1 CEQA Scoping Naomi Feger Planning TMDL Section Leader Region 2.

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1 1 1 CEQA Scoping Naomi Feger Planning TMDL Section Leader Region 2

2 22 Today’s Presentation  Purpose of CEQA Scoping  Benefits of Scoping  When to scope?  Public Notice of scoping session  Conducting the scoping meeting  Meeting management

3 33 Purpose of Scoping  Scoping is required for projects of “statewide, regional or area-wide significance.” (CEQA §21083)  Invite public input early in the process – head off future problems  Solicit comments on the scope of our environmental analysis

4 44 Benefits of Scoping  Opportunity to inform the stakeholders about Project  Helps to identify range of actions, alternatives, mitigation measures, and significant effects to be analyzed  Incorporate modifications early to resolve potential problems

5 55 When to Scope?  “As early as possible” (Guidelines §15083)  When you can present and discuss  Project objectives  Draft Project description  Reasonably foreseeable compliance measures i.e., potential implementation requirements – specific actions or measures  Reasonable alternatives  For TMDLs, generally at Project Report stage

6 66 Noticing the Scoping Meeting  Notify as broadly as feasible  At least 30 days notice suggested  Publish notice for one day in an “appropriate newspaper”  Notice by mail and email  Post on website

7 77 And the Notice Goes To…  All interested parties  Organizations or individuals who filed written requests for notice AND  Everyone else  Any responsible agency  Any public agency with legal jurisdiction related to the project

8 88 Conducting the Scoping Meeting

9 99  Take advantage of the meeting to combine it with a public workshop  Make clear distinction between public workshop and CEQA scoping  Options for meeting record  Audio recording  Meeting notes or summary  Court reporter and transcript

10 1010 Conducting the Scoping Meeting  Manage expectations by clarifying the purpose of the meeting:  Explain the project and the steps in the process  Explain our obligation under CEQA  Hear stakeholders’ comments, concerns, and ideas – not debate issues or make decisions  Review agenda and meeting ground rules

11 1111 Prompting Discussion  The more concrete information you provide, the better the discussion will be  Take time to explain CEQA requirements and process, including terminology e.g.,  Significant and potentially significant impacts  mitigation  cumulative impacts  Ask for input “Do you foresee any significant or potentially significant adverse environmental impacts?”

12 1212 Meeting Management  Be clear about how staff will use/honor comments  Explain that we’re not required to respond in writing, but staff will consider comments as we develop the environmental analysis  Identify time frame for submission of comments, provide staff contact info  Note comments on flip chart; ALSO take notes on a laptop, or bring a note-taker

13 1313 Depending on Your Stakeholders…  Depending on the stage of your project, level of controversy, time/resource constraints and public interest…  You may choose to  Develop a stakeholder involvement plan  Consider using a facilitator (neutral moderator/ WB staff)  Format your official notice formally or informally  Present a blank or a draft checklist  Present draft alternatives

14 1414 Potential Meeting Handouts  Basin Planning/TMDL flowchart or other simple, helpful handout  Preliminary project report or description of proposed activity  Blank or draft checklist  List of alternatives identified to date (optional)  List of references relied on for research to date; websites, staff contacts

15 1515 Take Home Message  Emphasize and re-emphasize that Board decisions have not been made, and public input will be considered  Prominently mark all materials “DRAFT”  Note CEQA’s requirement to evaluate an actual project, not just an idea…  No requirement to respond to all comments

16 1616 Scoping Summary  Scoping provides valuable input  Local conditions  Stakeholder concerns - early in process  First formal step in CEQA – opportunity to get project on good footing  Manage expectations – communicate meeting objectives clearly

17 17 17 Questions?

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