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FOOTBALLER FARMER DOCTOR SINGER TEACHER What job would you like to be in the future? AIR HOSTESS.

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2 FOOTBALLER FARMER DOCTOR SINGER TEACHER What job would you like to be in the future? AIR HOSTESS

3 Saturday, November 8 th,2015

4 1. …………. (v, n) -> interviewer (n) -> interviewee (n) UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS –READING A> BEFORE YOU READ: 1/ VOCABULARY: Eg: The old man is ……… the young man. /'intəvju:/ interview /'intəvju:ə/ /,intəvju:'i:/

5 Eg: Her clothing makes a good …………. on us

6 2. impression (n) + to make/ create a good impression on s.o: /im'pre∫n/

7 vacancy /'veikәnsi/ 3. ……… (n):a job that is available for s.o to do

8 4. ………. (n) = curriculum vitae (C.V) résumé /'rezjumei/

9 5. …………… (v) = to note down to jot down

10 6. shortcoming (n) /'∫ ɔ :t,k ʌ miη/:

11 1. interview /'intəvju:/ (v, n) interviewer /'intəvju:ə/ (n) interviewee /,intəvju:'i:/(n) 2. impression /im'pre∫n/ (n): ấn tượng 3. vacancy (n) : chứng chỉ, bằng cấp 4.résumé́ /'rezju:mei/ (n) = curriculum vitae (C.V) jot down = to note down 6. shortcoming /'∫ ɔ :t,k ʌ miη/ (n): khuyết điểm UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS –READING 1/ VOCABULARY:


13 b.Task 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 1. Try to reduce the feeling of pressure and make a good impression on your interviewer 2. Find out as much information as you can about the job and the vacancy. 3. Bring with you a letter of application and your re'sume' after the interview. 4. Take all your certificates and letters of recommendation with you. 5. Remember to dress neatly and formally. 6. Your voice should be clear and polite. 7. Tell the interviewer about your shortcomings. 8. Remember to say goodbye to the interviewer before leaving the interview. T T F T T T T F UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS –READING Don’t tell before

14 Before the interview During the interview After the interview Find out the information about the job and the company Prepare answers to the questions that may be asked during the interview Dress neatly and formally Be on time Try to answer all the interviewer’s questions Be clear, polite, and honest Show your best side, keenness, and responsibility Be willing to learn more about the job Say goodbye before leaving Send a thank-you letter to the interviewer within 24 hours after the interview Think about the interviewer’s comments *List the things you should do before, during, and after a job interview. UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS –READING

15 1.What must be prepared before the interview ? 2.What do you bring with you to an interview ? 3.What do you have to make sure before the interview ? 4.What should you do during the interview ? 5.What do you jot down in your résumés ?

16 * Discuss the question: Which pieces of the advice given in the passage do you find most useful and least useful? Why? UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS –READING 3.AFTER YOU READ:

17 → Learn new words → Write about a job you may do after you finish school, using the following cues: Where you will work Who you will work with The salary you may get paid The working conditions UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS –READING


19  Order the things we should do to get a job in the future? -Attend a job interview -Fill and send an application form -Prepare kinds of paper to bring to an interview. - Get information about jobs at a job center or an employment agency.

20 1/ Tick ( ) the factors that you think would help you succeed in a job interview. 1.wearing casual clothes clear, honest answers 3.feeling self-confident 4.feeling nervous 5.having a sense of responsibility 6.avoiding difficult questions A. BEFORE YOU READ:

21 a.Task 1. These words are from the passage. Look back to the text and tick the best meanings A, B or C. 1. vacancy A. a part of a newspaper where jobs are advertised B. a job that is available C. a seat that is available 2. résumé A. a photocopy of academic certificates B. a letter of recommendation C. a short written account of someone’s education and previous jobs 3. keenness A. special interest B. very quick understanding C. sense of responsibility 4. jot down A. mention B. note down C. type 2.WHILE YOU READ:

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