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Where did these Political

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1 Where did these Political
Symbols come from???

2 Political Symbols - Donkey
Presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was 1st Democrat to be associated with the donkey symbol. His opponents during the 1828 election tried to label him a “jackass” for his Populist beliefs “Let the people rule”

3 Andrew Jackson found it amusing and used
the donkey on his campaign posters! Political Cartoonist Thomas Nast is credited with making the donkey the recognized symbol of the Democratic Party

4 Political Symbols - Elephant
Thomas Nast is also responsible for the Republican Party symbol Nast drew a donkey clothed in lion’s skin, scaring away all of the animals in a zoo One of the animals was labeled “The Republican Vote” and it stuck.


6 Political Symbols - Ballot Box
Practice of secret voting Dates back to Ancient Greeks used black and white balls white - yes, black - no placed into a bag so no one would know your vote

7 US political parties during the early 19th
Century would print and distributed ballots to voters Not secret, politicians knew how you voted Reformed: government printed all ballots and supervised elections so politicians could not watch people vote.

8 Political Symbols - Uncle Sam
Cartoon representing the government of the US Character began to appear in newspapers and magazines around the 19th century Over the years, he has evolved into a tall, white-haired man with a beard, dressed in red, white and blue

9 Uncle Sam was modeled after Samuel Wilson,
a meat supplier The US government bought their meat from Sam during the War of 1812 Stamped his meat US and became known as “Uncle Sam”

10 Political Parties and What They Do

11 What Is A Political Party?
A group seeking to control government by winning elections and holding public office Can be principle, issue, or election oriented

12 The Two Main Parties in the U.S. Are . . .

13 1. What do Political Parties Do. List 5 functions 2
1. What do Political Parties Do? List 5 functions 2. Which role of a political party do you think most influences the political process? Why? 3. Why does the United States have a two-party system?


15 1st President – Thomas Jefferson
Democrats - History 1st President – Thomas Jefferson Democrat-Republican Supported by working class, small farmers Resented big business Did not trust government

16 Thomas Jefferson – 3rd James Monroe – 5th
Democratic-Republicans, sympathized with the Anti-Federalists

17 Andrew Jackson – 7th Popular with the working class Donkey symbol First candidate to run as a Democrat

18 FDR transformed the party into what it is today JFK, LBJ
Democrats Today FDR transformed the party into what it is today JFK, LBJ Civil rights expanded Welfare state: government designed to take care of its citizens Clintons, Obama

19 Democrats perceived as party of big government
civil rights women’s rights environmentalism the poor pacifism (slow to go to war)


21 First two presidents – Federalists
Republicans - History First two presidents – Federalists George Washington John Adams

22 Whig presidents-Harrison, Tyler
Born 1854 Strong central government Property owners rights Improve commerce Abolitionists 1st president: Abraham Lincoln

23 1880’s – became party of big business
1920’s: Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover Known for laissez faire economics Isolationism Small government Political party of the north

24 Republican Party transformed itself 1968 Richard Nixon expanded party
Appealed to states rights Make US safer – military growth Lower taxes, small government Decrease size of welfare state

25 Republican’s Today Support public policies that limit size of government, Cut taxes War on Terrorism Mitt Romney John McCain George Bush Ted Cruz


27 Who will be our next president?

28 Who will be our next Governor?

29 How Do We Choose A Party? Membership - voluntary and generally composed of a mixture of the population Segments of the population tend to support one party or the other (for a period of time) Example: Unions favored Democrats Business favored by Republicans

30 Reasons For Choosing a Party
Family - 2 out of 3 Americans follow party allegiance of parents Major Events – war, depression Economic Status Place of Residence Level of Education Work Environment

31 Questions to Ponder Should American citizens be required to vote? Why? Do you think that voter turnout would be greater if we had more political parties? What does a political party need to look like for you to support it?

32 http://thedailyshow. cc

33 The Two-Party System in American History

34 The Era of One-Party Domination
The Era of the Democrats, 1800–1860 Conflict over public lands 2nd bank of the United States High tariffs, slavery The Era of the Republicans, 1860–1932 Civil War Reconstruction Great Depression

35 The Return of the Democrats, 1932–1968
Great Depression New Deal WWII Kennedy Assassination The Start of a New Era - why 1968? Great social unrest, law and order

36 Richard Nixon elected Since 1968 the Republicans dominated the White House, while Democrats controlled Congress


38 Minority Parties in the US Ideological Parties
Based on a specific set of beliefs, including a comprehensive view of social, economic, and political matters Example: Libertarian Party Receive little votes, but are long-lived

39 Single-Issue Parties Concentrate on a single public policy matter
Examples: Know Nothings, Right-to-Life Faded into history as issues disappear

40 Economic Protest Parties
Focus on economic discontent Example: Greenback and Populist Parties TEA: Taxed Enough Already

41 Splinter Parties Groups that break off from one of the two major parties Examples: “Bull Moose” Party and “Dixiecrats” “Green Party”

42 The Key Role of Minority Parties
Introduced useful ideas in American Politics Can play a “spoiler role” in an election when the two major candidates are evenly matched. Most important is their roles as critics and reformers

43 Barriers to Minor Parties
Constitution: no mention of Political Parties Winner-takes-all elections Petition in all 50 states plus DC to get on ballots PA need 67,000 signatures Rules regarding campaign fund raising - advantages to incumbent

44 The Organization of Political Parties

45 Reality of Political Parties
Two major parties are highly decentralized (internal fighting) No real chain of command States parties loosely tied to national Local parties independent of states

46 The Role of the President
The President’s party is usually more solidly united than the opposing The President is the party leader The other party has no comparable leader - party out of power


48 National Party Machinery Four Elements
1. National Convention Meet to nominate the presidential and vice presidential candidate every 4 years, create party platform 2. National Committee Handles the party’s affairs between conventions

49 National Party Machinery Four Elements
3. National Chairperson Heads up the national committee 4. Congressional Campaign Committees Job to increase party’s congressional seats

50 State and Local Party Machinery
State – job is to further the party’s interests in that state Local –follow the State’s electoral map, most active a few months before an election

51 Three Elements of the Party
Party Organization leaders, activists, and hangers-on who control party machinery Party in the electorate loyalists who vote their candidates Party in government officeholders at all levels of government

52 The Future of the Majority Parties
Political Parties have been in a state of decline since the late 1960s Parties are unlikely to disappear as long as they continue to perform necessary functions

53 Reasons for Decline Larger number of voters registering as independent SPLIT-TICKET VOTING – voting for candidates of both parties for offices at the same election.

54 Reasons (cont) Greater internal conflict Changes in technology of campaigning. Growth of single-issue organizations who side with a candidate on a specific issue.

55 Questions 1. What type of political party formed as the result of separating from one of the major parties? 2. What type of party grows during periods of economic discontent? 3. Name a key role minor parties play. 4. The “know nothings” are an example of what type of minor party. 5. What type of minor party usually forms around a strong personality?

56 6. In general, how are the the organization of the two major parties in the United States characterized? 7. When Mitt Romney lost the presidential election, why didn’t he become the leader of the Republican Party? 8. What is meant by the party platform? 9. What is split-ticket voting? 10. Why do some political analysts believe that the party system may collapse?

57 11. Tom Corbet is currently the Republican Governor of PA
11. Tom Corbet is currently the Republican Governor of PA. John Boehner is one of the most powerful Republicans in Congress. Which of the three components of the political party is this an example?

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