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Chapter 5: Political Parties “A party of order and stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of life.”

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5: Political Parties “A party of order and stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of life.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5: Political Parties “A party of order and stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of life.” -John Stuart Mill-

2 What is a party?? Political party – a group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office –i.e. Democrats, Republicans, Green Party

3 What do parties DO?? Major function – nominating candidates for public office Inform the people –Campaign for their candidates Congress and State legislatures aligned with party lines –Conduct business with strong support of party and its policy stands Act as a watchdog over conduct of public’s business

4 Electoral System Single-Member Districts – only one candidate is elected to each office on the ballot –Member with a plurality (the largest number of votes) wins the office Two-party system –Two major parties exist and compete Democrats and Republicans –Election laws shaped to preserve this system

5 Origins of Political Party Symbols Political cartoons drawn by Thomas Nast –Also created Santa Claus and Uncle Sam Cartoon published in Harper’s Weekly in 1874 –First use of elephant as the Republicans –Donkey appeared for Democrats in 1870

6 Tell me about Democrats.. Also known as… –Liberals, Left-wing Mascot… –Donkey Democrats support… –Social welfare programs –Government regulation of business practices –Efforts to improve the status of minorities –Strive to support and protect the idea of a government run by the people

7 More about Democrats… In general, who votes for Democrats? –African-Americans –Catholics and Jews –Union members

8 Tell me about Republicans… Also known as… –Conservatives, Right-wing, GOP Mascot… –Elephant Republicans support… –Play of private market forces in economy –Less government involvement in social welfare programs

9 More about Republicans… In general, who votes for Republicans? –White males –Protestants –Business community

10 Minor Parties in the USA 4 types of minor parties –Ideological parties Comprehensive view of issues i.e. Socialist, Communist Parties –Single-issue parties Focus only on one public-policy matter i.e. Right to Life Party –Economic protest parties Disgusted with major parties i.e. Populist Party –Splinter parties Split away from major parties i.e. Progressive Party of 1912

11 Why are minor parties important? 1 st to use a national convention to nominate presidential candidate in 1831 Strong 3 rd party candidate can pull votes from major parties Roles of critic and innovator –Take clear-cut stands on controversial issues –Bring important issues to attention of people

12 Party Organization Decentralized, fragmented, often much internal squabbling –President’s political party is generally more organized than opposing party President is automatically party leader

13 National Party Machinery 4 basic elements –National convention Party’s national voice – nominate presidential candidates, write party platform –National committee Organize national convention (every 4 years) –National chairperson Leader of national committee – chosen by presidential candidate, ratified by committee Directs work of party’s headquarters and small staff in D.C. –Congressional campaign committee Work to re-elect incumbents, make sure seats given up stay within the party (2-year term)

14 State and Local Party Machinery State organization –Built around a State central committee, headed by a State chairperson –Works to further the party’s interest in the state Finding candidates and campaign funds Building effective organization and party unity Local organization –Party unit for each district in which elective offices are to be filled Wards – unit into which cities are divided for city council representatives Precinct – smallest unit of election administration, all voters in a precinct report to one polling place

15 Components of a Party Party organization –Leaders, activists, etc. Party in the electorate –Electorate – voting population –Party’s loyalists who regularly vote the straight party ticket Party in government –Party’s officeholders

16 Minor Party Websites… Libertarian Party –http://lp.org Communist Party –http://cpusa.org Green Party –http://greenpartyus.org America First Party –http://www.americafirstparty.org Socialist Labor Party –http://www.slp.org

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