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Contact Information  Ms. Brandilyn Beu  The School of Arts and Enterprise  Room 202  Phone Number: (909) 622-0699 x 304 

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Presentation on theme: "Contact Information  Ms. Brandilyn Beu  The School of Arts and Enterprise  Room 202  Phone Number: (909) 622-0699 x 304 "— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact Information  Ms. Brandilyn Beu  The School of Arts and Enterprise  Room 202  Phone Number: (909) 622-0699 x 304  E-mail:  Website:  Tutor Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, After school and Before school.

2 Chemistry: Learning Goals  To develop competence in the field of Chemistry by mastering California State Chemistry Standards.  Exhibit critical and creative thinking skills in problem solving.  Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork as they involve themselves in hands-on activities that relate to the lesson.  To see the importance of the study of Chemistry and the application of its concepts in the world of arts and enterprise.


4 Mastery Learning  The SAE has adopted the Mastery Learning model of standards-based grading. This means that students are evaluated based on specific standards (things students need to know and be able to do), rather than on a point system. Students will no longer be given “points” towards their final grade for completing work or simply participating. A student must demonstrate their knowledge and abilities on a variety of different assessments (quizzes, oral quizzes, discussions, tests, essays, reports, speeches, projects, presentations, portfolios), and all of the standards the students demonstrated in each assessment are evaluated separately on a 4-point rubric (4=Advanced, 3=Proficient, 2=Basic, 1=Below Basic). This allows students to easily see which concepts they understand and can put to use (mastery of a standard) and on which concepts they need more practice and instruction.

5 Chemistry Gradebook  Please see letter.  Gradebook is used for recordkeeping in addition to actual grades.  Therefore, many assignments are not actually counting towards the student’s final grade.

6 Sample Chemistry Grade

7 ENCORE  Independent Practice is required.  If homework is not completed, students will be assigned to mandatory homework time in Encore.

8 Supplies  Required Supplies:  Binder  Five Dividers (Labeled “Class Notes” “Independent Practice” “Lab Reports” “Tests and Quizzes” “Miscellaneous”)  Spiral Notebook  Black or blue pens  Red pens  Pencils  Lined paper

9 Laboratory Expectations  Students are required to have a Safety Contract signed and to pass a Safety Quiz.  For each lab, students are expected to:  Behave responsibly  Wear closed-toed shoes  Tie back long hair  Keep skin exposure to a minimum  Follow all directions

10 Why could my student not be allowed to do a lab?  Student did not complete the required safety test.  Student did not complete the required pre- lab (purpose, hypothesis, procedure).  Student is not wearing the proper attire (closed toed shoes, long hair pulled back, exposed skin minimized).

11 Technology Policy  In accordance with school policy, cell phone use is NOT permitted in class.  First Offense: Cell phone, iPod, etc. will be confiscated and kept to be picked up after school.  Subsequent Offenses: Cell phone, iPod, etc. will be confiscated and only returned to a parent/guardian.

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