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The Reaction to the West Christianity and Imperial China.

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1 The Reaction to the West Christianity and Imperial China

2 Jesuits in China (1500s to 1700s)

3 Xu GuangQi (1562-1633) Born in Shanghai in 1562 passed local exam at 20 passed provincial exam at 36 converted by Jesuits at 42 passed national exam at 43 translated Euclid’s Elements etc. became Minister of Li at 71


5 Emperor KangXi (1662-1723) “I had asked Verbiest why God had not forgiven his son without making him die, but though he had tried hard to answer I had not understood him.”



8 Lin ZeXu (1785-1850) A provincial governor demanded all foreign merchants to surrender all opium resisted initial attacks by British navy


10 Treaty of Nanjing 1842 5 ports indemnity tariff on imports Hong Kong

11 Successive invasions and treaties Foreign gunboats extraterritoriality most-favored-nation treatment loss of sovereignty cession of territory –mostly to Russia loss of tributary states

12 Qing in crisis

13 Reactions Manchu aristocracy –harmony through concessions some scholar-officials –“learn from foreigners to defeat them” Hong XiuQuan –use Christianity –organize rebellion

14 Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) “Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace”


16 The defeat of Taiping Failure of the leadership repelled local elite and scholar-officials rise of local armies organized by Han elite

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