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GRAMMAR MATTERS Business English Grammar Guide Tonia Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAMMAR MATTERS Business English Grammar Guide Tonia Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAMMAR MATTERS Business English Grammar Guide Tonia Morris

2 WHY??? It is very important to know:  the parts of speech  correct punctuation usage  correct spelling  where everything belongs

3 WHERE?  Academic Writing  Personal Chats  Work Environments  Letters  Essays  Resumes

4 Failure to use proper grammar habits can result in looking unprepared and uneducated.

5 PARTS OF SPEECH  Nouns  Verbs  Conjunctions  Adverbs  Adjectives  Prepositions  Pronouns  Interjections

6 What Is A Noun? A noun is a word that refers to a:  Person  Place  Thing  Idea  Feeling  Concept  Activity A noun can be proper or common. Proper nouns are capitalized.

7  The boy took his dog to the vet.  Tommy took Skippy to Dr. Clark, the vet.  This guide focuses on grammar.  Knowledge is what I gain from attending Mid Michigan Community College.  I am originally from Alabama.

8 NOUNS  Supervisor  Hospital  Honesty  Anger  Freedom  Month  Dog  Mile  Home  pet

9 What is a Verb? A verb is a word that expresses an:  Action  Occurrence  A state of being.

10 The three types of verbs:  Action: shows the physical or mental action of the subject  Linking: express a state of being and link words which describe the subject  Helping: added when verbs are used in verb phrases

11  The document contains the directions.  She is a sweet girl  The teacher taught more than one class.  Jason feels sick, so he is going to the clinic.  My computers are scanned by software to check for viruses.

12 VERBS  Create  Was  Hang  Speak  Celebrate  Need  Saw  Walk  Arise

13 What is a Conjunction? A conjunction is a word that:  Connects words to other words  Join equal parts of sentences

14  The company auctioned off a vacation, and the winner had bid only a few dollars.  I am not a vegetarian, however, I don’t eat much meat.  I got a letter from my husband and I wrote him back.  MMCC offers both online and on campus classes.  I will wear either white or beige for my wedding.

15 CONJUNCTIONS  And  But  Nor  Therefore  Either, Or  Because  Nevertheless  Although  However

16 What is an Adverb? An adverb is a word that describes: o A verb o An adverb o An adjective

17  How much farther is the mall?  She arrived later than expected.  The speech went smoothly.  Please, put your wet boots there.  The man drove very quickly after he took the call.

18 Adverbs  Today  Here  Carefully  Directly  Very  Merely  truthfully

19 What is an Adjective? An adjective is a word that describes:  Nouns  Pronouns

20  The butterfly was colorful.  I am sleepy.  The car is beautiful, especially with that new paint.  The patient gave a better report today.  Khloe Kardashian designs her own line of expensive clothing.

21 ADJECTIVES Green Cold Wet Loud Delicious Musky Exceptional Southern Our

22 What is a Preposition? A preposition is a word that:  Joins nouns and pronouns to other words in a sentence

23 ∞ Jessica often talks with her manager at work. ∞ She walks to the store. ∞ We received gifts from both couples. ∞ They plan to move into their new house next week. ∞ The baby looks just like her father.

24 PREPOSITIONS o At o Like o As if o Of o From o To o Have o By o In

25 What is a Pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes place of a noun. I Him She It Me Us

26 What is an Interjection? An interjection is a word expressing a strong feeling, and is followed by an exclamation point or comma.  Wow  Hey  Ouch  Oh  Darn

27 SENTENCES  A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.  Sentences should contain a subject and a predicate.  Sentences should make sense.  They are made up of phrases and clauses.

28 Punctuation  Period. Used at the end of a sentence that is a statement.  Comma, Used to indicate a pause in the flow of the sentence.  Colon : Used to introduce lists, quotations, and explanatory sentences.  Semicolon ; Tells the reader that two ideas should be thought of together.  Question mark ? Used at the end of a sentence that contains a question.  Quotation marks “ Used around direct quotes.  Exclamation point ! Used with interjections, and in exclamatory sentences.

29 SPELLING Below is a list of commonly misspelled words: Absence, accustom, admitted, accidentally, advertising, against, before, benefited, breath, careless, chief, column, changeable, conscious, disappoint, disappearance, due, eligible, excellence, familiar, families, February, grateful, guard, happiness, independent, hoping, huge, interrupt, ingredient, island, jealous, kindergarten, laborer, lead, library, maneuver, marriage, meant, naturally, neighbor, occasionally, original, pamphlet, particular, phase, quantity, receipt, receive, rhythm, scenery, sergeant, seize, theories, through, tomorrow, useful, vacuum, vegetable, weird, writing, yield

30 References: All information in this slideshow came from the textbook for this course. I compiled information, including examples, from each section of the book. Business English. Guffey, Seefer. South-Western. 2014. Print. This slideshow is the final project assignment for Bis.164, online, J. Bond Tonia Morris 11/24/2014

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