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Explicit and Implicit Meaning

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Presentation on theme: "Explicit and Implicit Meaning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explicit and Implicit Meaning
Explicit meaning – fully and clearly expressed; learning nothing implied Ex: Good job on test! Implicit Meaning – implied or understood though not directly expressed Ex:

2 Drama A story that is intended to be performed for an audience, either on stage or before a camera. Script= special written form of a play, motion picture or broadcast Scene= section presenting events that occur in one place at one time *****See notes on plot and characters

3 Stage Directions Script includes instructions for director, the actors, and stage crew Often printed in italics type and (enclosed in parentheses) Describe the scenery and prop Scenery= items on stage to create the setting Prop= objects the actors use during the play May include suggestions for lighting & sound

4 Dialogue Play is almost ALL Dialogue
Dialogue=conversation between the characters Plot and character’s personalities revealed through dialogue

5 drama Monologue Extended speech in drama or narrative that is presented by one character Soliloquy a speech, usually given alone onstage, in which 1 character speaks aloud his or her thoughts

6 Visual Techniques Shot – A continuous recording of a scene or image
Close-up shot – A close view of a person or an object. It is often used to show a character’s emotions or reactions. Reaction shot – Shows a character responding in some way to what he or she sees Low-angle shot – a shot in which the camera looks up at the subject, can help create the impression of height or distance

7 Sound techniques Sound techniques – are used to make a setting or action believable. In addition, sound techniques can affect the audience’s emotions as events unfold. Sound Track

8 Editing Editing – the careful selection and arrangement of shots. Moviemakers put shots together in ways that help you follow the action of a story or show relationships between place and events. Editing = takes the longest time to complete in a movie Sequence – single shots, when put together, can form an ordered sequence of events.

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