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 Students in grades Kindergarten through twelfth  Classroom teacher, reading specialist, interventionist  Can be administered individually, some assessments.

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2  Students in grades Kindergarten through twelfth  Classroom teacher, reading specialist, interventionist  Can be administered individually, some assessments can be whole group  Some assessments in Spanish

3  Used to assist the teacher in targeting strengths and weaknesses  Used to monitor student reading development  Most often used to identify why a student is not being successful in reading (beginning reading skills, fluency or comprehension)  Used to plan appropriate instruction

4  Administered individually  Measures a research-based reading skill  Quick, reliable, easy to use  Provides clear and accurate individual student information  Some are curriculum based  Specific skills, some broader screening  4 broad type: Screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic, outcome assessments

5  Phonemic awareness: the ability to focus on and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words  Phonics: the ability to match sounds to letters and use this knowledge in reading and spelling (also know as the alphabetic principle)  Fluency reading text: the ability to read connected text with speed, accuracy, and proper expression  Vocabulary: the ability to understand and use words  Comprehension: the ability to get meaning from text

6  What?  Why?  How?  When?  What it means?  What’s next?

7  Phoneme Deletion Test (p. 24)  (initial, final, first sound of a consonant blend, embedded sound of a consonant blend)  Phonological Segmentation Test ( p.29)  (sentences, syllables, phonemes)  Phoneme Segmentation Test

8  Core Phonics Survey (p. 41- 52) Alphabet, consonant sounds, vowel sounds, short vowels in cvc, consonant blends with short vowels, short vowels, diagraphs and – tch, r-controlled, long vowels, variant vowels, low frequency vowels and consonants, multisyllabic - High-frequency word survey -San Diego Quick Assessment of Reading Ability

9  Grades 2 – 6  3 passages for each grade level

10  Vocabulary screening (1-8)  measures how well students know the meaning of grade-level words they read silently  Read a word and choose which word from three word choices means the same  No use of context, just pure word meaning  Group or individually

11  Grades 2-10  Individual or group  3 minutes  First sentence complete, every other sentence has 7 th word as a multiple choice to complete the meaning, using context clues

12  Teaching Reading Sourcebook  What to teach?  Why to teach it?  When to teach? When to Assess and intervene?  How? - teach/model, guided practice

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