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Legalization & IIs as Social Actors IIR – Graduate Institute 16 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Legalization & IIs as Social Actors IIR – Graduate Institute 16 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legalization & IIs as Social Actors IIR – Graduate Institute 16 March 2010

2 The Concept of Legalization (Abbott et al.) Operationalization (3 Elements) From hard law to soft law

3 The Concept of Legalization (Abbott et al. ) Obligation

4 The Concept of Legalization (Abbott et al. ) Precision

5 The Concept of Legalization (Abbott et al. ) Delegation

6 Trade Liberalization, and Domestic Politics: A Cautionary Note (Goldstein and Martin 2001) Legalization will not lead to higher liberalization Effects on incentives of domestic groups More rule precision will increase information on distributional effects Effects on mobilization of groups and balance among them Information will have a larger marginal effect on those less well organized (protectionists)

7 Research Program: Socialization in IOs How do IOs contribute to norm change? Under what conditions do norms emerge or diffuse.. What was easier in the past for IOs to undergo socialization processes, when there was less transparency and less public interest?

8 IIs as Social Environments –Alaistair Johnston Socialization is the generic term used to refer to the processes by which the newcomer becomes incorporated into organized patterns of interaction Between internalization of pro-social norms and calculation of material costs Two micro-processes: Persuasion and Social Influence Can we entangle mechanisms such as „persuasion“ from „social influence“?

9 IIs as Social Environments Can we entangle mechanisms such as „persuasion“ from „social influence“?

10 Socialization –Different levels of socialization through interaction with an IO (Jeffrey Checkel 2005) –Institutions as Promoters of Socialization –Institutions as Sites of Socialization

11 Socialization –Socialization processes From strategic calculation (instrumental rationality) cognitive role playing (bounded rationality) normative suasion (communicative rationality - preference or identity shift) Empirical testing: Studies on European Commission, Member State Representatives, etc…

12 Socialization From strategic calculation (instrumental rationality)  Still dominated by logic of consequences, calculating and seeking to maximize given interest  Study of incentives/rewards that might promote behavioral adaptation  Examples: Conditionality instrument used by IFIs (WB and IMF) or the European Union in relation to accession countries (membership negotiations)

13 Socialization Cognitive role playing (bounded rationality)  Shift from logic of consequences to logic of appropriateness begins  But under what conditions?  More likely under following conditions:  Agents are in settings where contact is long and sustained  Agents are in settings where the contact is intense  Other factors: prior professional experience with IOs (more likely to internalize new role) vs. agents being “parachuted” into IOs (less likely to internalize new role)

14 Socialization Normative suasion (communicative rationality - preference or identity shift)  Agents actively and reflectively internalize new understandings of appropriateness  “This is the right thing to do even though I didn’t used to think so”  Persuasion-socialization dynamics How relevant is the framework beyond the EU?

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