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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance

2 Objectives Identify the values and ideas prized during the Renaissance
Explain the impact of Humanism Analyze the importance of the printing press

3 Essential Question How did the Renaissance revolutionize European society?

4 From Dark Ages to Enlightenment

5 Renaissance What was the Renaissance? Rebirth – of art and learning
Where did it begin? Northern Italy When? 1300 – 1600 A.D. Why Italy during this time period?

6 Italy

7 Why Italy? Cosimo de’ Medici – lead banker of Florence
Classical heritage – Rome and Greek influences. Byzantine scholars fled to Italy bringing Greek Manuscripts and influences Lack of Plague and war

8 Patrons of the Art Those who support the arts
Included merchants, powerful families, and even the Church Why are patrons significant?

9 Classical and Worldly Values

10 Worldly Pleasures Humanist suggested that people can enjoy life without offending God What sorts of things do we consider enjoyable? Secular – worldly and concerned with the here and now. In what ways can this philosophy change society?

11 Northern Europe What countries are considered Northern Europe?
Recovering from Bubonic Plague and War Idea of Human dignity = social reform based on Christian values

12 New Ideas

13 New Artistic Styles Sculpting statues, painting important people, and three dimensional painting Perspective – three dimensional painting Humanistic art forms How can art impact politics, economics, and culture?

14 Who are the artist?

15 Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist
“Renaissance Man” Studied the human body

16 Last Supper

17 Mona Lisa

18 Helicopter

19 Human Body

20 Raphael

21 School Of Athens

22 David

23 Michelangelo Painter and Sculpture

24 Sistine Chapel

25 David




29 Renaissance Writers

30 Vernacular writing in native languages
Wrote to express themselves or to portray the individuality of their subjects How can writing in local languages help change government?

31 Niccolo Machiavelli Wrote the Prince – examines the imperfect conduct of humans Examined how a ruler can gain power and keep it in spite of his enemies Ruler must be deceitful and strong in order to do what is good for the state Agree? Or Disagree? Product of vernacular?

32 Christian Humanist Humanist that gave their ideas a Christian theme
Why combine Christianity with humanism?

33 Desiderius Erasmus wrote Praise of Folly
Believed that in order to improve society everyone should study the Bible

34 Thomas More wrote Utopia
imaginary land inhabited by peaceful-loving people.

35 William Shakespeare Greatest playwright of all time
Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

36 Elizabethan Age Renaissance in England – named after Queen Elizabeth I
Patronized the arts Wrote poetry and very well-educated Is it important that our leaders follow the trends?

37 Printing Press Johann Gutenberg – Invented the printing press in 1440’s Printed Gutenberg Bible - first full size book printed with movable print People began to interpret the Bible themselves which led to criticism of the church What form of technology can we compare this to today?

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