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5.0 Examine the Developmental Stages of Children to Appropriately Support and Monitor Growth Teen Living.

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Presentation on theme: "5.0 Examine the Developmental Stages of Children to Appropriately Support and Monitor Growth Teen Living."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.0 Examine the Developmental Stages of Children to Appropriately Support and Monitor Growth Teen Living

2 5.01 Identify the Ages, Stages, and Tasks of Child Development. Infant: Birth to one year (crawl, sit up) Toddler: One to Three Years (walk, talk) Preschooler: Three to Five Years (skill building) School-Age: Six to Adolescence (Interaction with others)

3 Toddlerhood Caregivers can encourage language development in a child by talking to the child frequently.

4 Intellectual Development Sorting blocks by color encourages development in this area

5 Play Parallel play: Observed in the toddlerhood stage of development (one to three years of age) where children will play beside each other but not really engaged with each other Cooperative play: Observed in the preschool years (three to five years of age) when children play together in small groups. They take turns, share, and solve problems together.

6 Motor Skills Large motor skills develop first –Head down –Trunk out Small motor skills develop next –Hands to fingers

7 Trust Develops during infancy when children learn their needs will be met

8 5.02 Plan age-appropriate activities for children. Tricycles can help a child develop large motor skills

9 Entertaining a Child Simple household items such as plastic bowls, plastic measuring cups, and wooden spoons could help keep a child busy playing while you are working in the kitchen. Make sure the child is in a high chair or play pen so they will be safe. Giving a two-year-old some Cheerios and a bowl will keep them entertained and help them develop hand-eye coordination

10 Safety Check the box for the appropriate age label. It will show the age range of children for which that toy is designed. Infants will do well with crib toys, toys that squeak, and stuffed animals that are age appropriate.

11 Play Helps children to develop socially because they learn to share, take turns, and compromise Reading age appropriate books to a toddler will help them develop language and social skills. Use books with minimum words, colorful pictures, and allow the child to “read” to you. They may want to hear the book over and over and over and over and…

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