Chapter 25. Jigsaw discussion tomorrow Be prepared Thursday – Jeopardy Review Test on Friday 23 & 25.

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1 Chapter 25

2 Jigsaw discussion tomorrow Be prepared Thursday – Jeopardy Review Test on Friday 23 & 25

3  Explain the significance of the Protestant Reformation.  What were effects of the Columbian Exchange?

4  The Reformation weakened the power of the Catholic Church  The Reformation continued spread all across Europe and response the Catholics launched the counter-reformation  Led to religious wars ( 30 Year War)

5  American foods (such as potatoes, maize or manioc) became staple crops in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa while cash crops. (such as cacao or tobacco) were grown primarily on plantations with coerced labor and were exported mostly to Europe and the Middle East in this period.  Afro-Eurasian fruit trees, grains, sugar, and domesticated animals. (such as horses, pigs or cattle) were deliberately brought by Europeans to the Americas while other foods. (such as okra) were brought by African slaves.  European colonization of the Americas led to the spread of diseases endemic in the Eastern Hemisphere. (such as smallpox, measles or influenza) among Amerindian populations and the unintentional transfer of pests. (such as mosquitoes or rats) Columbian Exchange graphic Columbian Exchange graphic

6  What role did silver play in facilitating a truly global scale of trade?  How did labor systems develop in the colonial Americas?

7  There was a need for labor force in the New World to work the tobacco and sugar cane plantations. Initially, indentured servants were sent to the New World. These servants were promised a headright of 50 acres after 7 years of service. Indentured servants became more risky because they were prone to rebellion. As a greater need for labor arose, slaves also were forced to migrate from Africa to the New World.




11 Fernando Cortés The First Spanish Conquests: The Aztecs Montezuma II vs.vs.

12  Hernan Cortez & 450 men conquer the Aztec empire, 1519-1521  How were 450 Spanish able to conquer the mighty Aztecs? 1. Better Weapons ( Steel Swords, muskets, cannons, horses) 2. Other indigenous people hated the Aztecs ( Dona Marina) 3. Disease

13 Cycle of Conquest & Colonization Explorers Conquistadores Missionaries Permanent Settlers Official European Colony!

14 The Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 & The Pope’s Line of Demarcation

15  Francisco Pizzaro (Conqueror of the Incas)  Led a small band of men and toppled the Inca empire, 1532-1533  Held Inca ruler Atahualpa for ransom, then strangled him & decapitated him

16  Encomienda “American Fuedalism”  land grants to Spanish settlers with total control over local people & land  Protect natives & convert them to Christianity


18  Mita or repartmiento system- Spanish crown required 1/7 of male population to work for 4 months in Spanish mines or haciendas  Debt Peonage- Spanish landowners advanced loans to native peoples to buy seed, tools, and supplies in exchange for labor


20  Colonial Society in the Americas  Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil  The Engenho Chapter Twenty-Five: New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania Sugar mill in colonial Brazil



23  Major resource of income for Spanish crown (Quinto)  Manila Galleons take it to the Pacific rim for trading  Very popular with Chinese markets  Eventually silver glutted Chinese markets causing inflation

24 Treasures from the Americas!

25 The Influence of the Colonial Catholic Church Guadalajara Cathedral Guadalajara Cathedral Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Mission Spanish Mission

26 26

27 The Colonial Class System PeninsularesPeninsulares CreolesCreoles MestizosMestizosMulattosMulattos Native Indians Black Slaves

28 Slaves Working in a Brazilian Sugar Mill

29 1. Firearms 2. Mounted troops 3. Smallpox 4. Steel swords

30 1. Entrepreneurs who financed Spain’s voyages of exploration 2. Spanish conquerors of New World territories, such as Cortes and Pizarro 3. Exporters of American food crops back to Europe 4. Native American slaves sent back to Europe

31 1. Creoles, mestizos, & natives 2. Peninsulares, mestizos, & creoles 3. Peninsulares, creoles, slaves, & mestizos 4. Peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, natives, & slaves

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