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Connecting 1984 and a Letter to and 8 th Grader…piece of cake Outline due at the end of the period for 7 th (Friday for 5 th ) Please read 219-245 by Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting 1984 and a Letter to and 8 th Grader…piece of cake Outline due at the end of the period for 7 th (Friday for 5 th ) Please read 219-245 by Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting 1984 and a Letter to and 8 th Grader…piece of cake Outline due at the end of the period for 7 th (Friday for 5 th ) Please read 219-245 by Monday

2 Let’s set-up shop: Please take the first few minutes of class and answer the following question from page 318. Use what you remember from the text, or the afterward, or even you own evidence (reading, observation, and experience) “Can human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love---that is to say can man forget that he is human?”

3 Shift to 8 th grade letter Before we outline and draft, we need to have a clear vision of: Our purpose Our audience Think The Walking Dead: What is the director’s purpose? What is it not? Who is the director’s audience? Who is it not?

4 Purpose: So what am I doing? I know this is review, but beginning on firm ground is a smart move. Generally speaking there are four purposes in writing and speaking: _________________________________________ 1.entertain: think horror movie 2.Persuade: campaign ads 3.Inform: news (don’t confuse with editorials) 4.Enlighten: editorials (don’t confuse with news)

5 With that in mind… Given the prompt (introduce students to Vista, give them keys to success, and identify pitfalls to avoid) what do you think the purpose of the letter should be? In addition, why would the other purposes come across ineffectively?

6 With purpose in place…Now we need to ponder our audience. Write for a few minutes in response to: What do you remember about who you were in 8 th grade? Do you think your experience was average or an outlier? What adults did you listen to and how did they talk to you so you listened?

7 Audience continued… Please spend a few minutes answering the following questions: What do 8 th graders know about high school? What do 8 th graders assume about high school? How do 8 th graders like to be spoken to? What tone should be avoided when speaking to 8 th graders?

8 And now the evidence There are two drafts of evidence. First, there is what you want to present and then there is what you need to present in response to opposition. _____________________________________ 1. For this letter, decide upon two pieces of evidence to be used as points FOR EACH of the three parts to the prompt.

9 Evidence continued 2. Responding to opposition (counterclaims) _______________________________________ What natural counters do you assume your audience will have to your points or you making them? Provide LOGICAL evidence to counter the counter for a few items listed.

10 Now the outline You need to have your outline complete by the end of class to day for 7 th period and tomorrow (Friday) for 5 th. First, think about establishing ETHOS in the first paragraph. We will brainstorm how to do that. Second, list in order what you believe to logically be the more effective pattern of evidence so that an 8 th grader will hearken to it.

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