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Grade 12 Chemistry College Prep SCH4C

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 12 Chemistry College Prep SCH4C"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 12 Chemistry College Prep SCH4C

2 Teacher Ms. McGartland Email: roisin.mcgartland@ocdsb.ca

3 What you need for this class
A large ring binder for all of your half notes, assignments, and labs Some pencils and pens (one red, some blue/black) An eraser and some whiteout/liquid paper A calculator and a ruler

4 Evaluation Your term work is worth 70% of your final grade.
Knowledge Inquiry Communication Application There will be two summatives that make up 30%

5 Assignments Assignments help you understand the course material, as well as give the teacher some feedback concerning your level of understanding. Handing in all assignments will help your final mark, as well as assist you in studying for exams. All assignments must be completed before the beginning of class. Some assignments will be marked for completion (homework check), while others will be marked for correctness of answers.

6 If you miss a homework check
If you miss a homework check, you will be marked incomplete. On the day of your return, you must show your completed work in order to get credit. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that he/she does not lose marks for being absent during a homework check.

7 Hand-in Assignments Hand-in assignments must be handed in at the beginning of the class in which they are due. Assignments handed in during the class or at the end of the period will be considered late.

8 Absences Regular attendance is essential in order to be successful in this class. If you miss a class, YOU are responsible for obtaining notes, handouts, and assignments that were missed.

9 Being Late Being late for class will not be tolerated.
If lateness becomes a problem, you will be required to make up missed time.

10 Unit tests Unit tests will be announced at least one week in advance.
Attendance for tests is mandatory. If you have an appointment that makes attendance for a unit test impossible, make arrangements with the teacher ahead of time. Bring a note from your parent/guardian explaining the situation.

11 If you are ill, expect to write the unit test on the day of your return. Bring a note from your parent/guardian explaining that he/she knows you missed an exam.

12 Extra Help There will be times when you may need extra help. Please feel free to ask for help. I can be found in the science office

13 Class Expectations If I am talking, YOU ARE NOT.
If someone else is asking a question, answering a question, or participating in a class discussion, YOU ARE LISTENING. All members of this class MUST be treated with respect. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. If you have to ask whether it is appropriate, chances are it is not.

14 Do not touch anything that it not yours.
My stuff Other students’ things School equipment and materials must be treated with care. Desks and chairs (chairs go up on Wednesday) Lab equipment Please do not leave garbage behind. Use appropriate bins. Garbage Paper Pop bottles and cans

15 No food or drink is allowed in class, including water bottles.
No devices with headphone, computer games/game boys, cell phones, cameras or other communication devices are allowed in class.

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