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JOSIAH AND ISRAEL IN EXILE. LOOKING BACK What made Israel different? What did the people want? What did they get? Who was the first king? Second? Third?

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Presentation on theme: "JOSIAH AND ISRAEL IN EXILE. LOOKING BACK What made Israel different? What did the people want? What did they get? Who was the first king? Second? Third?"— Presentation transcript:


2 LOOKING BACK What made Israel different? What did the people want? What did they get? Who was the first king? Second? Third? What happened after Solomon died? What were the two kingdoms called? Which one lasted longer? Why?

3 LOOKING FORWARD Find Jereboam on your list of kings (from last week) Who was he? Which kingdom did he rule? Scan the list of the kings of Israel – were any of them “good?” Why would God allow this? What happened in 723BC?

4 THE RISE AND FALL OF NATIONS Check this out! What is the significance of showing this video?

5 JOSIAH 2 Kings 22 He’s 8 years old when he becomes king He follows God! Book of the Law is found What God spoke to Moses Pentateuch – First five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

6 JOSIAH When the Book of the Law is read to him, he tears his robes A sign of sorrow, despair, anguish, remorse, or repentance Do you react like this when you hear Scripture? Why or why not?

7 JOSIAH God hears him – but it doesn’t change His anger Knowing this, what would you be feeling/thinking?

8 WE FIND THE “LOST” RULE BOOK! No more candy

9 CHANGES ALL AROUND 2 Kings 23 Josiah renews the Covenant with God Josiah destroys the idols, altars to the false gods, and more – even kills the priests in the false temples The prophet said this would happen – 1 Kings 13:2 The Passover is observed – first time since the judges that it has been done in accordance with the Law and with such celebration That’s over 300 years!

10 CHANGE IS FLEETING The kings that followed were not like Josiah Quick to turn away from God God raised up an enemy nation against Judah (remember – Israel is already gone) Babylonian Empire

11 EXILE 2 Chronicles 36:15-23 Jerusalem falls to Babylon Exiles taken from Judah into Babylon Allowed to live in their own distinct group rather than forced to live with everyone else Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Hannaniah, Mishael, and Azariah) 70 years of exile

12 MAKE IT PERSONAL – TALK ABOUT IT! Non-judgment zone – let other’s speak their mind Josiah literally tore his robes – in the culture, this was a sign of anguish, despair, and repentance – do you “tear your robes” when you read God’s Word? What do you think of the Bible? Be honest – no judgment! Where do you get your idea of what the Bible is? What affects your thinking? Who affects your thinking? What can we learn from Josiah?

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