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1-1 Chapter VI – Communication Objectives: I.Definition of Communication II.The important of effective communication skills III.Methods of Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "1-1 Chapter VI – Communication Objectives: I.Definition of Communication II.The important of effective communication skills III.Methods of Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-1 Chapter VI – Communication Objectives: I.Definition of Communication II.The important of effective communication skills III.Methods of Communication IV.Building Rapport V.Managing your relationship rrrtsss

2 I. Definition of Communication Communication is defined as the exchange of information between a sender (source) and a receiver (audience). If meaning is not shared, communication has not take place. Effective communication is the cornerstone of good management. The way we perceive and talk to each other at work-about quality, job tasks, changes taking place, or other issues- is a major determinant of the organization’s success. Poor communication, on the other hand, reduces quality, weakens productivity, and leads to anger, lack of trust, and cynicism.

3 II. The important of effective communication skills Increase confidence, credibility, and competence Reduce misunderstandings and confusion. Save time for everyone When you know how to communicate effectively, you able to: Develop and express ideas and opinions Listen for and accurately repeat what others say Choose the correct words for your listener and appropriate color those words with feelings.

4 III. Methods of Communication Communication method can be divided into two: verbal and non-verbal communication. A verbal message makes use of words. It may be either oral or written both are considered verbal messages because they use word. Oral communication can be in the form of meeting discussion, interview and telephone calls. Written messages can be in the form of letters memos, circulars, reports, newsletters, and announcements. Policies and advertisements. Non-verbal message is those not expressed in words. They are expressed by other means such as body language, facial expressions, eye contact, pictures and drawings.

5 The Important of Non-verbal Message Dr Mehrebian states that the quality of the voice, and the intonation and speed of delivery, tell us more about the meaning of the message than the words. And more important than this are the non-verbal and non-vocal aspects of communication which we receive the person’s physiology, body posture, gestures and even their breathing patterns. Amount of message received from: Physiology55% Voice38% Words7%

6 BUILDING RAPPORT Rapport is a relation of trust and responsiveness with self or others. Rapport is essentially meeting individuals in their model of the world. We all have different upbringings, experiences, and ways of being. We all are unique, with different beliefs, capability and identities. We all see the world differently. To gain rapport with others you need to acknowledge them and their view of the world.

7 strategies for Building Rapport 1- Matching and Mirroring Matching means copying a small part of a person’s behavior. Mirroring means copy exactly. 2- Pacing and leading Pacing means continuing to match another person or people as they change their behavior. Leading means change what you do with enough rapport for the other person to follow. 3- Verbal Matching means copying words of other people use.

8 Managing your relationship A.Reframing Reframing means taking different perspectives on a situation. Examples: seeing a delay on your train as an opportunity to catch up on reading, rather than becoming annoyed; taking a critical comment as an opportunity to improve, rather than upset. Reframe is a best way to create choice, it not only the choice of how you feel, but also choice about how you relate to other people.

9 Managing your relationship Multiple Descriptions Pacing, as we have seen, is meeting others in their model of the world. This does not mean you lose your own point of view. It is an appreciation of the value of having different views of the same event. This is called having a multiple description. There are main points of view (developed by John Grinder from the work of Gregory Basteson): A-First position is your own reality. Think of a time when you were intensely aware of what you thought and believed, regardless of other people. B-Second position is taking another person’s point of view. You think, ‘How would this appear to them?’ C-Third person is the ability to take an outside, detached point of view and appreciate the relationship between you and the other.

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