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Recap: Chapter 3 of America’s History

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1 Recap: Chapter 3 of America’s History

2 Big Idea How did the South Atlantic system create an interconnected Atlantic World, and how did this system impact development in the British colonies?

3 Before 1660, England governed haphazardly.
This changed after the Restoration period in 1660 with Charles II. Tighter control and expansion of power New settlements: NY, PA, NJ, Carolinas Proprietorships

4 Carolinas Envisioned as manorial system, but ultimately failed to and relied heavily on slaves instead. In SC, primary crop was rice.

5 Pennsylvania William Penn Quaker colony “inner light”
Ethnically diverse and religiously tolerant

6 Navigation Acts Mercantilism
Initially designed to cut off trade from French and Dutch Ex. They could only export sugar and tobacco to England. Encouraged smuggling

7 Dominion of New England
James II, 1686 Wanted tighter control over the colonies Merged Connecticut, RI, Mass. Bay, Plymouth, and later NY and NJ Unpopular

8 Glorious Revolution 1688 William and Mary take throne from James II
Signed English Bill of Rights Major step toward democracy in England and colonies William and Mary broke up Dominion of NE, but Mass. Bay, Plymouth and Maine stayed merged.

9 Era of self-government begins
Salutary neglect-colonies enjoy signif. Degree of autonomy Strengthening the powers of their rep. assemblies

10 Tribalization-natives reorganizing
South Atlantic system-produces sugar, tobacco, and rice for international trade Drove expansion of slavery Sugar the primary product Middle Passage

11 Slavery in Chesapeake “Tobacco Revolution”
Rigid class structure modeled after English aristocracy Gentry encouraged small farmers to own slaves Bought slaves from different backgrounds to prevent organizing.

12 Slavery in SC Much more oppressive conditions
Slaves outnumbered whites Stono Rebellion Led to reduction of slave imports and tighter discipline

13 Mercantilism Another aspect of mercantilism was taxes on imports
Britain wants favorable balance of trade! Colonists resent this and resort to smuggling

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