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Introduction to the Study of Sociology and Anthropology.

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1 Introduction to the Study of Sociology and Anthropology

2 Have you ever experienced culture shock? What identifies culture? How can it be defined? A vague term…Why? Traveling to another country??? Coming to America??

3 Defining Culture Culture can be loosely defined as a set of beliefs, traditions, and practices. – Learned patterns for thinking, feeling, and acting – Transmitted across generations – Adapts and changes overtime – Human minus nature-Non biological What we often see as natural or innate is more often cultural – Example???

4 Defining Culture Culture = Superior (Man) – (Inferior) Man – Ethnocentrism The belief that one’s own culture is superior to others, and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of our own

5 1-5 Developing a Sociological Consciousness Sociology: scientific study of social interaction, social organization, and the relationship between individuals and society – -Rigorous and systematic – - Powerful scientific tool

6 What is Anthropology? The study of humans, past and present The study of humans, past and present – Sociocultural Anthropology -examines patterns and practices across cultures, with a special interest in how people live in particular places and how they organize, govern, and create meaning with attention given to race, sexuality, class, gender, and nationality – -A central concern of anthropologists is the application of knowledge to the solution of human problems -Other areas within anthropology include biological/physical; archeology; and linguistic

7 ` Why are these disciplines sometimes criticized as “soft sciences”? What do you see as the main similarities? Differences?

8 Methods of Study Qualitative vs. Quantitative – Subjectivity vs. Objectivity What do you see as the problems with both? – Does correlation equal causation? – What do we use to study culture? What makes studying culture difficult? Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural relativism

9 Agency vs. Structure – What determines an individuals behavior? Agency-making individual choices based on free-will Structure-cultural and structural influences operate in the decision making process – How society is organized – Society is patterned

10 Thinking Like a Sociologist… The Sociological Imagination -C. Wright Mills The sociological imagination helps us to understand how the social structure affects our lives and the lives of others Private troubles  Public issues

11 Unveiling New Levels of Cultural Reality-The Sociological Imagination –How is each one of these private troubles related to public /Cultural issues? –-Year 11 year old niece has low self esteem issues and may have an eating disorder -Your Islamic friend is harassed by security at the airport –-Your Uncle files bankruptcy due to extreme medical bills after a major car accident -Your cousin joins a gang at the age of 12 -You know someone who is shot in an act of gun violence

12 Levels of Analysis Macro Analyses - Looks at the "big picture" of society and suggests how society is affected at the institutional level. Micro Analyses - Concerned with the social psychological dynamics of individuals interacting in small groups.

13 Dominant and Minority Groups Minority group: subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power than members of dominant or majority group – What groups constitute a minority group? A dominant group?

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