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Presentation on theme: "COLD WAR VOCABULARY WATCH?V=9C72ISMF_D0 WATCH?V=9C72ISMF_D0."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. COLD WAR  The state of political hostility existed between the soviet union and the us led western powers from 1945 to 1991.

3 2. CONTAINMENT  To contain, or limit, soviet expansion.

4 3. TRUMAN DOCTRINE  The U.S should give support to countries or people that are threatened.  Too stop communism

5 4. MARSHALL PLAN  Program of financial aid. It gave economic assistance to European nations.

6 5. IRON CURTAIN A way of referring to a barrier to understanding and information.

7 6. BERLIN AIRLIFT  Sending of Cargo Planes to deliver tons of supplies to the people.

8 7. UNITED NATIONS  Established to maintain peace after WWII

9 8. NATO  A military alliance formed by the US as well as other Democratic nations to defend against Soviet attacks.

10 9. WARSAW PACT  Communist nations such as the Soviet Union formed a military alliance as a reply to NATO.

11 10. FAIR DEAL  Truman recommended that all Americans have health insurance, minimum wage, and that everyone has equal rights.

12 11. MAO ZEDONG  A Chinese communists leader. Established The People’s Republic of China.

13 12. JOSEPH MCCARTHY  Was an American politician who built his career by threatening to expose Communist.

14 13. STALEMATE  A Situation in which neither side wins. (such as in chess)

15 14. 38 TH PARALLEL  Divided Korea into North and South Korea. North was communist and backed by the Soviet Union. South was non-communist and backed by the U.S.

16 15. KOREAN WAR  Was a war between republican of Korea. Started when North Korea invaded South Korea.

17 16. GENERAL DOUGLASS MACARTHUR  Was an American general and field Marshall.  Believed the U.S. could win Korea if they attacked China.

18 17. Demilitarized Zone Area from which military forces are prohibited.

19 18. Nikita Khrushchev Soviet Union Prime Minister.

20 19.Superpower A country who’s military, economy, and political are so great that they can influence events world wide.

21 20. Arms Race Contest in which nations compete to build more, and more powerful weapons.

22 21. SPACE RACE  The competition between the US and the Soviet Union extend to outer space.

23 22. INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT  Provided funds for a vast system of freeways to link all parts of the United States.

24 23. NASA  National Aeronautics and Space Administration to launch its own space missions.

25 24. H-BOMB  Hydrogen bomb that is the most explosive type of atomic bomb.

26 25. PEACE CORPS  A program that sought to build friendships between Americans and the people of the other nations.

27 26. SPUTNIK  Soviet satellite  The Soviets became first to go into space.

28 27. FIDEL CASTRO  Communist who successfully led revolution Cuba

29 28. BAY OF PIGS INVASION  In April, 1961 Cuban exiles secretly trained by the US Central Intelligence Agency landed on Bay of Pigs on coast of Cuba  Failed invasion that only made Castro more popular

30 29. CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS  Soviets were constructing nuclear missile bases in Cuba  Kennedy imposed naval blockade on Cuba  At the last moment before seeming conflict Khrushchev withdrew missiles

31 30. STANDARD OF LIVING  a measure of how comfortable life is for a person, group or community







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