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Weight Loss Challenge. Welcome! Mobile phones turned off Write down all your questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Weight Loss Challenge. Welcome! Mobile phones turned off Write down all your questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weight Loss Challenge

2 Welcome! Mobile phones turned off Write down all your questions

3 Who has lost weight this week? Congratulations!

4 How are you feeling? How are your energy levels? Are you sleeping differently? How are your bowel movements? Are you craving sweet foods? How do your clothes feel on you?

5 Exercise and Sport T H I S W E E K For how often and for how long? What types? Fitting in fitness every day wlc-ht-w11.html

6 Why is exercise important? Exercise and being active is an essential part of life, it is fundamental to being healthy The food and drink we consume gives the body energy it needs to be healthy and maintain a healthy body weight So if you eat more, you need to exercise more. If we don’t exercise enough, the calories we consume will be stored as fat by the body. Likewise, if we don’t eat enough calories for the amount of exercise we do, then the body has to draw on its reserves to keep the body going Energy (calories) in = energy out

7 Types of exercise Cardio exercise: Cardio is any type of exercise that increase the workload on your heart and lungs. It gets oxygen pumping around your system. Cardio exercise is crucial to maintain a healthy body weight, as well as numerous healthy benefits such as improving circulation, managing blood pressure, strengthening the heart, increasing lung capacity and endurance

8 Types of exercise Resistance training: Is exactly that – training using resistance and it strengthens the muscles. Resistance training is important to build muscle to prevent or reduce muscle loss and helps improve metabolism – a key to maintaining weight. Muscles burn calories faster than fat, so the more muscles you have, the better results you’ll get Resistance training not only tones the muscles, giving you a better body shape, it’s also important for improving metabolic function, balance and strength to help decrease risk of injury. It helps improve body composition, manage blood pressure and increases bone density (particularly important for women)

9 How much exercise do you need to do? Governments recommend a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week Remember to adjust your calorie intake from a balanced diet for the amount of exercise you do. A higher level of activity requires more energy (in the form of calories) to fuel the body

10 Different types of exercise and resistance training Brisk walking Cycling Swimming Gardening Try different activities each week, change your routine and environment. Train different muscles: chest, arms, stomach, back and legs – always keep it fun and doing it with a friend can be very helpful for motivation! Weight training Yoga Power training Please ensure you speak with your GP before starting an exercise regime.

11 Calorie-burning activities Moderate physical activityApproximate calories*/hour for a 70kg person Hiking370 Light gardening330 Dancing330 Playing golf330 Cycling (<10 mph or <16 kph)290 Walking (3.5 mph or 6 kph)280 Weight lifting220 Stretching180 * Calories burned per hour will be higher for person’s who weight more than 70kg and lower for person’s who weighs less

12 Fitting in fitness Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator Walk or cycle to close destinations instead of driving Get off the bus a few stops early or park further away from work Exercise while watching TV, especially during commercials Get busy with housework, vacuuming, washing the floors, windows etc Go for a short walk before and after dinner Several times a day, take a few minutes to stretch

13 Healthy nutrition and lifestyle… Start every day with a nutritious breakfast Eat plenty of good proteins ever day Eat 5-6 small meals per day Aim to drink 2 litres of water each day Eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables (5 + a day) Ensure sufficient physical exercise Take time each day for yourself to stretch

14 Next week Heart Health

15 Don’t forget To bring pen and paper Keep a log of everything you eat and drink over the next week and bring it with you to the next meeting Bring along a friend!

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