Joints  Articulations, or joints, perform 2 functions: Hold bones together Allow rigid skeletal system flexibility for movement  Can be classified structurally.

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Presentation on theme: "Joints  Articulations, or joints, perform 2 functions: Hold bones together Allow rigid skeletal system flexibility for movement  Can be classified structurally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joints  Articulations, or joints, perform 2 functions: Hold bones together Allow rigid skeletal system flexibility for movement  Can be classified structurally or functionally  Structural Categories: Fibrous Cartilaginous Synovial  Functional Categories: Synarthroses Amphiarthroses Diarthroses

2 Synarthroses Joints  Immovable joints  Connected by Sutures (bones interlock) Syndesmoses (bones connected by ligaments)  Examples: skull, teeth (gomphosis)

3 Amphiarthroses  Slightly movable joints  Primarily Symphyses: bones connected by flat disc (fibrocartilage) Synchondroses: bones connected by hyaline cartilage

4 Diarthroses  Freely Movable joints  All synovial joints are diarthroses  Ball & Socket Ball shaped head of 1 bone fits cuplike depression of another bone Ex.: shoulder, hip joints

5 Diarthrotic Joints  Plane/Gliding Joint Allow sliding movements in 1-2 planes Ex.: intercarpal/intertarsal joints; vertebrocostal joints  Hinge Joint Convex of 1 bone fits concave surface of another bone Ex.: elbow, knee, interphalangeal joints  Saddle Joint Articulating surfaces are convex & concave Thumb joint  Pivot Joint Round/conical surface of 1 bone articulates with shallow depression in another bone Allow uniaxial rotation Ex.: Atlas/Axis Joint  Condyloid Joint Oval condyle of 1 bone fits ellipsoidal depression in another bone Allows biaxial movement Ex.: wrist joint, metacarpalphalangeal joint

6 Joints of the Upper Extremity  Shoulder Joint Glenohumeral Joint Sternoclavicular Joint Acromioclavicular Joint  Elbow Joint Radiohumeral joint Humeroulnar Joint Radioulnar Joint (x2: Proximal & Distal)  Wrist Radiocarpal joint Intercarpal joints Carpalmetacarpal joints  Hand Intermetacarpal joints Metacarpalphalangeal joints Interphalangeal joints

7 Joints of the Lower Extremity  Sacroiliac Joint  Coxal (hip) Joint  Patellofemoral Joint  Tibiofemoral Joint  Tibiofibular Joint (x2: Proximal & Distal)  Ankle/Foot Talocrural Joint Subtalar Joint Intertarsal Joints Tarsometatarsal Joint Intermetatarsal Joints Metatarsophalangeal Joints Interphalangeal Joints

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