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What am I? Nobody can escape me……no not Usaine Bolt I am sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful to your health….no not the sun! I can be the spice.

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Presentation on theme: "What am I? Nobody can escape me……no not Usaine Bolt I am sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful to your health….no not the sun! I can be the spice."— Presentation transcript:

1 What am I? Nobody can escape me……no not Usaine Bolt I am sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful to your health….no not the sun! I can be the spice of life or I can be life threatening!... The answer is …


3 Stress and Mental Health

4 What is Mental Health? In groups of 2-3 discuss what it is you think a mentally healthy or unhealthy person is. You can try to come up with a definition for each or generate some characteristics that these individuals might possess. (2 min)

5 Mental Health All definitions will revolve around the characteristic of “resiliency”, which is the ability to bounce back or rebound within a reasonable amount of time after experiencing a stressful situation. The National Mental Health Association describe a Mentally Healthy individual as someone who “feels comfortable with themselves, are not overwhelmed by their own feelings, accepts many of life’s disappointments in stride. They experience all human emotions ( fear, anger, love, jealousy, guilt, and joy) but are not overcome by them.

6 Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person Hopefulness regarding life’s challenges and opportunities Persistent Practical/realistic about goals and strengths vs. weaknesses Responsible for their actions/behaviours Respect themselves and others Healthy self esteem/self concept

7 Cont… Healthy Self confidence Ability to manage stress effectively Ability to work productively Has a strong support network ( friends, family, mentors) Not afraid to ask for help/advice when needed

8 Mental Health Mental health is constantly changing in life and is based on fulfilling various needs. With every need that is satisfied, there comes another need that must be satisfied in order to achieve the next level of Mental Health. This is referred to as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. And it states that basic needs must be satisfied before one can seek other needs. Physical needs….then emotional needs….aesthetic needs…..and finally self fulfilling needs

9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

10 Stress So we have now established that Mental health is very complex and much more than just the absence of disease….it is about satisfying various needs and becoming comfortable with yourself and life’s challenges. So ……Let’s talk about Stress


12 WHAT IS STRESS? Because, if you don’t know what stress is, it’s hard to manage. “WHY DO I ASK?”


14 I bet most of you defined stress like this: Tests, events Finances People (parents, friends, etc.) who bother you! Tests, events Finances People (parents, friends, etc.) who bother you! But, that doesn’t really define stress at a basic level….those are actually stressors!

15 Here’s the Official Definition: Stress is the non-specific response of the body to any perceived demand. Stress is caused by both positive and negative situations. -Dr. Hans Selye

16 Handout on types of stressors…

17 That Non Specific Response… Your heart beats faster You breathe faster You feel an adrenaline rush Your muscles tighten up Blood moves from the center of your body to your limbs Your pupils dilate

18 “When Does That Response Happen?” Every time your body perceives a demand Sometimes it’s a small response (like when you open your eyes in the morning) Sometimes it’s a big response (like when you realize you’re about to get hit by a car) Every time your body perceives a demand Sometimes it’s a small response (like when you open your eyes in the morning) Sometimes it’s a big response (like when you realize you’re about to get hit by a car)

19 “So I’m OK because I can handle each little thing.” Well, not necessarily. Small stress responses can be additive –that is, if a lot of little things are happening at the same time, you may feel a great deal of demand at that particular moment. “Like having three tests, no time to study, having deadlines at work, needing to get to soccer practice, having a fight with my boyfriend/girlfriend, my parents are coming up to visit, and not having enough money to get by?”….That’s ENOUGH I CAN”T TAKE ANY MORE! Well, not necessarily. Small stress responses can be additive –that is, if a lot of little things are happening at the same time, you may feel a great deal of demand at that particular moment. “Like having three tests, no time to study, having deadlines at work, needing to get to soccer practice, having a fight with my boyfriend/girlfriend, my parents are coming up to visit, and not having enough money to get by?”….That’s ENOUGH I CAN”T TAKE ANY MORE!

20 “But I heard stress can be good for you.” (eustress) You know that saying, “Everything in moderation”? It turns out that each of us has a level of stress that is optimal for us. That is, at that particular level, we work most efficiently and feel good. “I bet you hear a “but” coming…”

21 And here is the but… Most people find that too much or too little stress hinders their performance and their sense of well- being. (distress) Too little stress = bored, unmotivated Too much stress = overwhelmed, fearful, frozen Moderate stress = energized, on-task, efficient Most people find that too much or too little stress hinders their performance and their sense of well- being. (distress) Too little stress = bored, unmotivated Too much stress = overwhelmed, fearful, frozen Moderate stress = energized, on-task, efficient

22 Initial Stress Response (Alarm Reaction) Once the mind becomes aware of the stimulus through thoughts (eg. Test) or senses (eg. Heavy weight to be lifted or a group of thugs appear in the street). Within secons or even sometimes before the stressor is identified, the brain activates the sympathetic nervous system. Adrenalin and other stress hormones are released….which prepare the body for physical action! Mental alertness increases ( eg. Pupils dilate improving vision) HR and respiration increases as well as blood pressure to improve transport of glucose, oxygen to tissues! Sweating increases to stabalize increase in body temperature

23 Cont… Muscles tense up and prepare for action CHO’s and fats are mobilized from the liver and other areas to provide more energy Blood flow redistributed away from digestive system and towards muscles

24 That’s all fine and dandy but… It is easy to picture those reactions occurring during a very big or very stressful situation, however this alarm reaction will occur during all stressful situations …..just at a lower rate!, but the effects can be damaging if the perceived stress does not go away! Physical Symptoms: muscle tension, heartburn, nervousness, headaches, stomach pain and or diarrhea, ulcers, weakened immune system and or CVD, even menstrual difficulties in women. Emotional symptoms: anxiety, irritability, depression, suicidal tendencies, rage. Behavioural symptoms: overeating or undereating, use of drugs, difficulty sleeping, etc.

25 Activity: Types of Stressors Handout: Identify which type of stressor(s) exist for each scenario

26 Maladaptive Coping Strategies Using the handout outlining the maladaptive coping strategies, identify the maladaptive coping strategies used in each situation. See Handout.

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