10/4/13 European Exploration. What did Europe want? European countries explored the world for 3 reasons… spread Christianity spread Christianity gain.

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1 10/4/13 European Exploration

2 What did Europe want? European countries explored the world for 3 reasons… spread Christianity spread Christianity gain territory gain territory get rich get rich

3 Portugal’s Empire

4 Portuguese Exploration begins Portugal was a good base for sailors because… Portugal was a good base for sailors because… It has a lot of shoreline It has a lot of shoreline It had many harbors/ports It had many harbors/ports Many rivers to travel on that flowed westward to the Atlantic Ocean. Many rivers to travel on that flowed westward to the Atlantic Ocean.

5 Portuguese Exploration begins Portugal, due to their many trading partners, was a center of knowledge and technological development. Portugal, due to their many trading partners, was a center of knowledge and technological development. Rather than fight across Spain to trade with other European countries, Portugal traded by sea. Rather than fight across Spain to trade with other European countries, Portugal traded by sea.

6 Prince Henry the Navigator Prince Henry coordinated the mathematical and navigational learning of Portugal Prince Henry coordinated the mathematical and navigational learning of Portugal Encouraged Portugal to expand the size of their empire Encouraged Portugal to expand the size of their empire In 1412, he ordered the first Portuguese expeditions to the Africa In 1412, he ordered the first Portuguese expeditions to the Africa

7 Institute of Sagres The Institute of Sagres was an important research center in Portugal where several breakthrough discoveries in mathematics and naval technology occurred. The Institute of Sagres was an important research center in Portugal where several breakthrough discoveries in mathematics and naval technology occurred.

8 Institute of Sagres

9 Technology Advances! the compass the compass the astrolabe the astrolabe the cross-staff the cross-staff the caravel the caravel

10 Results of Portuguese Exploration The Portuguese The Portuguese discovered an eastern route to India (around the Cape of Good Hope). discovered an eastern route to India (around the Cape of Good Hope). discovered Brazil. discovered Brazil. established trade routes throughout most of southern Asia. established trade routes throughout most of southern Asia. colonized selected areas of Africa. colonized selected areas of Africa.

11 Spanish Empire

12 Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) was an Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer. Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) was an Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer. He sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. He sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. What was Columbus' motivation for Exploration? What was Columbus' motivation for Exploration? What was Columbus' motivation for Exploration? What was Columbus' motivation for Exploration?

13 Christopher Columbus His voyages began a period where European countries began expanding their empires. His voyages began a period where European countries began expanding their empires. Note: He was NOT the first Europeans to reach the Americas. He’s important because, after his trip, more Europeans began traveling to the New World. Note: He was NOT the first Europeans to reach the Americas. He’s important because, after his trip, more Europeans began traveling to the New World.

14 Christopher Columbus Columbus initiated contact between Europeans and native Americans. Columbus initiated contact between Europeans and native Americans. He called them “Indians” since he thought he was in India. He called them “Indians” since he thought he was in India.

15 Columbus thought the Earth was half its actual size.

16 Worldwide Spanish Empire

17 Conquistadors After Columbus’ expeditions, Spanish Conquistadors (explorers and soldiers from Portugal & France) increased Spanish land by conquering American empires like the Aztecs and the Incas. After Columbus’ expeditions, Spanish Conquistadors (explorers and soldiers from Portugal & France) increased Spanish land by conquering American empires like the Aztecs and the Incas. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire in the Andes of South America

18 The Three G’s The Spanish looked to expand their empire for 3 reasons: The Spanish looked to expand their empire for 3 reasons: God—The Spanish brought God—The Spanish brought Catholicism to America, forcing natives to convert. Glory—Individuals like Cortez and Pizarro became wealthy national heroes. Glory—Individuals like Cortez and Pizarro became wealthy national heroes. Gold—Spain became the most powerful nation in the world due to the gold of the Americas. Gold—Spain became the most powerful nation in the world due to the gold of the Americas.

19 AKA English Empire British Empire

20 Beginnings… The British Empire began in 1496 when King Henry VII authorized John Cabot to lead a voyage to discover a route to Asia. The British Empire began in 1496 when King Henry VII authorized John Cabot to lead a voyage to discover a route to Asia. Cabot sailed in 1497, and successfully made landfall on the coast of Canada, but did not try to establish a colony at that time. Cabot sailed in 1497, and successfully made landfall on the coast of Canada, but did not try to establish a colony at that time.

21 The Americas Rivalry between Spain and England led England to send English privateers (fancy word for pirates) to attack Spanish ships and ports, and steal Spanish treasure from the Americas. Rivalry between Spain and England led England to send English privateers (fancy word for pirates) to attack Spanish ships and ports, and steal Spanish treasure from the Americas. Sir Francis Drake made his name stealing Spanish gold.

22 British America - 1750 In 1607, Jamestown became England’s first colony. In 1607, Jamestown became England’s first colony. It eventually became the Colony of Virginia, the first of the 13 colonies. It eventually became the Colony of Virginia, the first of the 13 colonies. Soon, the Caribbean became England's most important colonies due to sugar plantations. Soon, the Caribbean became England's most important colonies due to sugar plantations.

23 The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire… Eventually, after colonizing parts of Africa and Asia, the British Empire became the largest empire in history. Eventually, after colonizing parts of Africa and Asia, the British Empire became the largest empire in history.

24 The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire… At the peak of its power, it was often said that “The sun never sets on the British Empire" because it was so big that the sun was always shining on at least one of its many colonies. At the peak of its power, it was often said that “The sun never sets on the British Empire" because it was so big that the sun was always shining on at least one of its many colonies.

25 One-fourth of the World By 1921, the British Empire controlled about 458 million people (a quarter of the world's population at that time). By 1921, the British Empire controlled about 458 million people (a quarter of the world's population at that time). It covered about 14.2 million square miles, about a quarter of Earth's total land area. It covered about 14.2 million square miles, about a quarter of Earth's total land area.

26 What’s it Mean? Britain’s Cecil Rhodes.

27 The End of the Empire By WWII, the British Empire became too large, and they could no longer control it. By WWII, the British Empire became too large, and they could no longer control it. British territories today British territories today

28 French Empire

29 France had two different empires. The first (1608-1803), was in the Americas. The second (1830-1960), was in Africa and Asia. France had two different empires. The first (1608-1803), was in the Americas. The second (1830-1960), was in Africa and Asia.

30 New France In 1603, Samuel de Champlain left France and traveled into the St. Lawrence River. In 1603, Samuel de Champlain left France and traveled into the St. Lawrence River. In 1608, Champlain founded Quebec City in present-day Canada with the intention of making the area part of the French colonial empire. In 1608, Champlain founded Quebec City in present-day Canada with the intention of making the area part of the French colonial empire. Samuel de Champlain

31 Quebec Champlain's Habitation de Quebec, built as a permanent fur trading outpost, was where he intended to forge a trading and military alliance with the native people of Canada. Champlain's Habitation de Quebec, built as a permanent fur trading outpost, was where he intended to forge a trading and military alliance with the native people of Canada.

32 Fur Trading Fur Trading Quebec’s people traded their furs for many French goods such as metal objects, guns, alcohol, and clothing. Quebec’s people traded their furs for many French goods such as metal objects, guns, alcohol, and clothing.

33 End of American Holdings France lost Canada in the Seven Years War to Britain in 1763. France lost Canada in the Seven Years War to Britain in 1763. France sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S. in 1803. France sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S. in 1803.

34 Dutch Empire

35 Background In the late 1500s, the Dutch enjoyed one of the highest standards of living. In the late 1500s, the Dutch enjoyed one of the highest standards of living. They grew rich through trade. They grew rich through trade. By this time, they had thrown off Spanish control and began a period of rapid expansion. By this time, they had thrown off Spanish control and began a period of rapid expansion.

36 Why explore? The Netherlands is small, with little room for farming or manufacturing. The Netherlands is small, with little room for farming or manufacturing. The Dutch had 4 goals for their exploration… The Dutch had 4 goals for their exploration…

37 Dutch aims for exploration more land more land more power more power more wealth more wealth break the Portuguese trade monopoly in Southeast Asia break the Portuguese trade monopoly in Southeast Asia

38 Dutch Explorers Henry Hudson Henry Hudson explored upstate New York and Canada for the VOC explored upstate New York and Canada for the VOC Peter Minuit Peter Minuit established the city of New Amsterdam (present-day New York City) established the city of New Amsterdam (present-day New York City) Official flag and seal of NYC

39 Where the Dutch went Caribbean & South America Caribbean & South America Netherlands Antilles, Virgin Islands, Tobago, Chile, & Brazil Netherlands Antilles, Virgin Islands, Tobago, Chile, & Brazil North America North America New Netherland New Netherland Fort Orange Fort Orange (present-day Albany, NY) New Amsterdam New Amsterdam (present-day New York City)

40 Where the Dutch went Africa Africa South Africa (lost to the British) South Africa (lost to the British) Asia Asia parts of India parts of India Spice Islands Spice Islands Indonesia Indonesia

41 Benefits for the Dutch removed power from rival states (especially Portugal) removed power from rival states (especially Portugal) huge economic boost (especially from the spice trade) huge economic boost (especially from the spice trade) land for agriculture land for agriculture

42 Empires after Exploration

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