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Year 10 Child Development

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1 Year 10 Child Development
Topic 2 ~ PREGNANCY Year 10 Child Development Lesson 7 ~ Reproduction

2 Lesson Objectives During this lesson you will understand the structure and function of the male and female reproductive organ During this lesson you will learn about the menstrual cycle and the functions of hormones During this lesson you will understand how fertilisation and conception occurs and the development of the embryo and foetus. During this lesson you will understand the baby’s support system including the placenta, amniotic sac and fluid, cervix, umbilical cord and uterus.

3 Reproduction The following video clip describes reproduction, hormones, puberty, development of the foetus and the babies support system. The video clip will last approx 20 minutes, please take notes as this will assist you throughout the rest of this topic.


5 The female reproductive organ
Draw and label the diagram, writing an explanation to the function of each part.

6 Funnel Ovum

7 The Menstrual Cycle The function of the menstrual cycle is to release an egg and prepare the uterus to receive it if it’s fertilised. The cycle can vary enormously from person to person and month to month due to factors such as stress, diet, health, age, etc.

8 The male reproductive organ

9 Seminal Vesicle Epididymus Foreskin

10 Producing and releasing sperm
Sperm is produced by the testes and stored in the epididymis. At ejaculation, sperm is released and rushes through the ducts. As it passes along the tube, the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles release seminal fluid, which nourishes the sperm The mixture of sperm and seminal fluid is a milky white fluid called semen

11 Producing and releasing sperm
Sperm is produced by the _______ and stored in the epididymis. At ejaculation, _____ is released and rushes through the ducts. As it passes along the tube, the prostate gland and the seminal _______ release seminal fluid, which nourishes the sperm The mixture of sperm and seminal fluid is a milky white fluid called _______. testes sperm vesicles semen semen, sperm, testes, vesicles,

12 Hormones The period of change from childhood to adulthood is called puberty. During puberty hormones (chemical messengers) are produced from endocrine glands whose job it is to signal changes within the body that transform a person from a child to an adult. The hormone that triggers the male sex organs is testosterone. The hormone that triggers a female sex organ is oestrogen. Progesterone works in conjunction with oestrogen to control the menstrual cycle. It is also the pregnancy hormone.

13 Male or Female?

14 Reproductive System

15 Conception In order to become pregnant an egg must be fertilised by sperm. When sperm is ejaculated from the penis it swims towards the cervix, through the fallopian tube until they meet an egg. The sperm then fertilises the egg (CONCEPTION)

16 Ovulation and Fertilisation
In the female, one of the ovaries produces an egg every 28 days. This is called ovulation. During sexual intercourse millions of sperm are ejaculated into the vagina. If a sperm meets the egg, the sperm’s nucleus can join with the egg’s nucleus. This fusing of the nuclei is called fertilization.


18 Conception Task: Explain conception using diagrams and labels. Use page 13 to help you

19 Task Explain conception using diagrams and labels. Use page 13 (Judi Sunderland) to help you

20 Conception explained Click on the link and watch the video ~ ultimate guide to pregnancy: month one

21 Length of Pregnancy Pregnancy is divided in to three trimesters
1-3 months 4-6 months 7-9 months

22 A 6 weeks….. There is initial development of legs, brain, spine, internal organs, blood, bone, muscles, ears and eye's The embryo’s heart is beating The actual size is 4-6mm (size of a grain of rice)

23 At 8 weeks The foetus looks more human
The arms, legs, shoulders, ears and eyes can be seen The foetus moves in the amniotic sac The heartbeat is visible on a scan The foetus is approximately 2.2 com long

24 At 12 weeks the foetus….. Is fully formed Swims by kicking
Can swallow, clench fist, hiccup, suck it’s thumb Has well developed sex organs Is sensitive to light, heat and sound Has it’s eye’s closed Length is about 6cm

25 Your first photo? Your first photograph was probably taken when you were weeks old. You already looked human and you were about to start gaining mass faster than you ever will again. Your head diameter was measured to check your age and make sure you were growing properly.

26 At 24 weeks……. Weighs approx 700g (1.5lb)
Has hair, wrinkled skin, fingernails and fingerprints Is covered with vernix (a white greasy substance, which protects the skin and keeps it waterproof) and languo ( fine hair that keeps it warm Is active, with definite periods of waking and sleeping

27 After 24 weeks …… The baby grows and gets stronger
If it was born it would now be viable (have a reasonable chance of surviving) This is because it’s development, except for the lungs, is complete If it was born now it would need special care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or special care baby unit (SCBU)

28 By 32-36 weeks…….. The baby is usually lying head downwards.
This is called the cephalic (foetal) position

29 Ready to be born weeks Click on the link and scroll down the page to watch the short video on preparing for birth

30 The babies support system
Find out what each of the following are and do for the baby, use the next slide to help you draw out the diagram Uterus wall Amniotic sac Cervical mucus cervix Amniotic fluid Umbilical cord Placenta

31 Draw out the diagram and explain what each one is/for

32 Home work Design a fact sheet that instructs a year 7 child about puberty. Give advice on periods, what to expect, what can be used, activities that you may still do. Etc Include a problem page.

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