UNITY Principle of design that allows the viewer to see a complex combination of elements, principles, and media as a complete whole. (The invisible glue)

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Presentation on theme: "UNITY Principle of design that allows the viewer to see a complex combination of elements, principles, and media as a complete whole. (The invisible glue)"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITY Principle of design that allows the viewer to see a complex combination of elements, principles, and media as a complete whole. (The invisible glue)


3 5 Techniques for creating UNITY

4 Harmony - Technique for creating unity by stressing similarities of separate but related parts

5 Simplicity - A carefully planned simple design

6 Repetition - A repetition of objects and elements

7 Proximity - Closeness - a way of unifying very different shapes in a work

8 Continuation - shapes can be arranged so that the line or edge of one shape continues as the line or the edge of the next shape.



11 Texture - The element of art that refers to how things feel, or how they look as if they might feel on the surface 2 kinds of texture - Visual and Real

12 Real Texture - Texture that can be perceived through touch. Visual Texture - Illusion of a three dimensional surface based on the memory of how things feel. Two types of visual texture - Invented and simulated

13 Invented texture – a kind of visual texture that does not represent a real texture but creates a sensation of one be repeating lines and shapes in a two-dimensional pattern. Simulated texture – A kind of visual texture that imitates real texture by using a two-dimensional pattern to create a three-dimensional surface. A plastic tabletop can use a pattern to simulate the texture of wood. We use mostly invented textures in Adobe Illustrator

14 Boot Texture project Use multiple areas of different textures (10 or more) in your boot Do not leave any gaps or spaces between the shapes of your boot. Create unity in the textures of your boot. Create a background for your boot. Make sure that the boot stands out from the background of your composition Use the Pen and Ink Hatch Effect Label this project last name fi _texture

15 5 techniques for creating unity Harmony Simplicity Repetition Proximity Continuation

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