Notebook 101 The Key to passing this class!. Q. What is the purpose of my notebook?  to enable you to be a ORGANIZED thinker and writer.  It will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook 101 The Key to passing this class!. Q. What is the purpose of my notebook?  to enable you to be a ORGANIZED thinker and writer.  It will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook 101 The Key to passing this class!

2 Q. What is the purpose of my notebook?  to enable you to be a ORGANIZED thinker and writer.  It will be used to encourage you to gather factual information in an orderly fashion and to work with and analyze the information in ways that will help you better understand Government.

3 Q. What type of stuff goes on the left-hand (even numbered) pages?  A. All “STUDENT "processing goes here.  This is where you copy the AGENDA & Answer the Journal Topic  This is where you COMPLETE ALL HOMEWORK  Homework is used TO REVIEW what you have learned and PREDICT what you will be learning?

4 Q. What type of stuff goes on the right-hand (odd numbered) pages?  A. All TEACHER directed learning goes here.  This where you will take ALL NOTES, from your TEXTBOOK, movies and OTHER SOURCES (such as THE INTERNET for projects).  This information is highly TESTABLE and should be structured so key ideas and concepts are clear and visible.  HIGHLIGHTING & REVIEWING is a good idea)

5 Q. Is neatness important?  A. YES!!!!! Be sure to TRIM all papers to fit, ATTACH all handouts securely, GLUE things where it is appropriate( if there is no INFORMATION on the back).  HIGHLIGHT important headers and facts so they are easy to find.  This notebook is essential to your success in this class…. Use it to your advantage by keeping it organized!

6 2 8/18/04 AGENDA: 1.Index Cards 2.Seating Chart 1.Expression ?’s 3.Class Expectations 1.Anatomy of a journal 4.Get your expectations signed & school supplies Journal: As soon as you enter the room, AND the answer here. Homework: After you answer the warm-up, write the homework assignment here. Either do the assignment directly on this paper or glue the homework paper onto this space (unless asked to do otherwise). 3 Activity Title : ALL IN-CLASS NOTES & ACTIVITIES GO HERE Cut the sheet to fit—do not let papers hang over the edges of your notebook. If you have to cut off the heading & directions to make it fit, you may do so, but please write the title of the homework paper next to the "Homework" heading. If you have to fold the paper, only do so only one time-

7 Notebook setup Jan 7 th - 11 th  Inside cover: Rules  Page 1:Dedication statement  Page 2: Journal & Agenda (JA)  Page 3: Notes over dedication statement  Page 4: JA and KWL (hw)  Page 5: Notes notebook 101

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