Traveling to and exploring the world’s tropical world. A web quest for 3 rd Graders.

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1 Traveling to and exploring the world’s tropical world. A web quest for 3 rd Graders

2  Have you ever thought about traveling to the rainforest? Tropical rainforests are mysterious steamy places that are home to one half of all plant and animal species but only cover 6% of the earth’s surface.  Click here to find more facts about the Rainforest Click here to find more facts about the Rainforest  More facts More facts  More facts to discover More facts to discover

3  For the next two weeks you will be discovering facts about the rainforest.  After you make your discoveries, you will be placed in groups of 5 to produce a SMART Board presentation about your voyage.

4  To Voyage to the Rainforest you must locate the rainforests of the world.  Click here to find out Click here to find out  Or here Or here Now that you know where your voyage will take you, what do you need to pack? Describe what is the weather like in a rainforest and what you will pack to take with you. Find outFind out

5  Now you are packed and you know where you are going, but what will you find when you get there?  Describe two plants and two animals that you can discover in a rainforest.  Click here Click here  Find out more about rainforest animalsFind out more about rainforest animals  Or here Learn about Plants Or hereLearn about Plants  Find out if you will meet other people in the rainforest and find out something about them. Find out

6  Life in a Rain Forest by Carol Lindeen  Rain Forest Explorer by Greg Pyers  Living in a Rain Forest by Allan Fowler  Rainforest Animals by Michael Teitelbaum  Tropical Rain Forests by Darlene Stille

7  The success of your voyage will be evaluated by the quality of the group’s SMART Board Presentation. Your presentation must contain: A map of the rain forests Explanation of what you will pack for the weather Two rain forest plants Two rain forest animal An introduction to the people of the rain forest Everyone group member must contribute to the presentation

8 3- Outstanding all standards met 2- Well done- most standards met 1- Standards not met All members participated Visual appeal of presentation All Five elements represented Facts are accurate

9  A voyage to the rainforest is an exciting adventure. We will share our SMART Board presentations with our classmates.

10  Standards for Social studies  Grade 3  Standard 4: Understands geography through the study of the relationship among people, places, and environments 3.4.1 Knows the basic elements of maps and globes (e.g., title, key, cardinal and intermediate directions, scale, grids) 3.4.3 Knows how the characteristics of places are shaped by physical and human processes

11  Tech standards- all Student standards are utilized in this project.  Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Research and Information Fluency Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts

12  Voyage to the Rain Forest is intended to be an introductory lesson to the wonders of the rain forest. In this lesson the students are allowed two weeks to gather their information from the web quest and outside sources and then gather in small groups- ideally of 5 students each to prepare a SMART Board presentation on the discoveries they made.

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