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Freshman Health Syllabus River Dell High School Mr. Van Saders.

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1 Freshman Health Syllabus River Dell High School Mr. Van Saders

2 Class Expectations Be Prepared – bring computer, pen/pencil, folder & planbook No Food or Drinks in the Classroom Be On Time – lateness results in loss of points on participation grade Hand in Assignments on Time – late assignments lose points Respect fellow students Missed Work – you are responsible for any missed work if you are absent (stop by Phys Ed Office the next day or send by email)

3 Grading Procedures  Tests and Quizzes: Each test and quiz will have total points indicated on each. Each item will have different total. All not out of 100!  Your grade depends on the number of points you accumulate in the marking period:  Total Points: 512 for the marking  Tests /Quizzes: 312 pts: 61%  Assignments: 135 pts: 26 %  Paper: 65 pts: 13 %  Class Participation: Being on time and involved in class activity, in class assignments/homework. Anytime you are late 2 points will be deducted from your total points earned Any work given out will be worth points so it is not handed in or late will result in a loss of points

4 Health Article Critiques You will collect (3) health articles out of the newspaper, magazine or Internet; articles should be a minimum of ¾ to 1 page in length Critiques should be a minimum of one page reaction to the article. Brief summary and then include reaction Critiques must be typed and the article needs to be stapled to the critique Two articles are 20 points and the third is 15 pts Critiques will lose 10 points everyday the critique is late

5 Article Topics The article topic will presented at the time of a specific lesson being cover in class. For example, HIV /AIDs or Alcohol

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