Open House – Monday, Aug. 31, 2015 Marie Moen English IV Honors English III Honors

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1 Open House – Monday, Aug. 31, 2015 Marie Moen English IV Honors English III Honors

2 Course Description Chronological survey of British literature from Beowulf to modern times. Emphasis:  improving composition skills  using various forms of discourse and patterns of organization  reviewing grammar and language usage.

3 SAT/ACT Test Dates SAT Dates: Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5, and Jan. 23 (Old) Mar. 5, May 7, June 4 (New) ACT Dates: Sept. 12, Oct. 24, Dec. 12, Feb. 6, Apr. 9, and June 11

4 Outside Books Required Fall: Beowulf – translation Seamus Heaney Grendal by John Gardner Macbeth No Fear Shakespeare Spring: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Brave New World by Aldous Huxley The Kite Runner OR A Thousand Splendid Suns OR And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

5 Supplies  Calendar planner  Blue/black pens (several)  #2 pencils  Red pen  College ruled notebook paper  Binder with a dedicated section for English  Highlighters (set of at least 4 colors)  A dedicated English IV folder with pockets and brads  A composition book

6 Class Supplies  Box of Tissues or  Ream of Paper or  Box of Big Crayola Markers

7 Grades  Major Grades – 70% Daily and Quiz Grades – 30%  Check your grades through Student Access.  Progress Reports every three weeks  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.

8 Tutorials and Make up Work  By appointment – after school or advisory  Tests will be made up after school.  It is student’s responsibility to check my website for general info – especially when absent  Email me with specific questions.

9 Absences  If absent for a test or quiz, student should be prepared to take it upon your return.  If absent on the day a long-term assignment is due, student must make accommodations to have that product delivered to the school by the end of the school day it is due.

10 Consequences  Zero for the assignment  Referral to the office  Parental notification  Detention/ISS or other appropriate punishment  Risk in losing exam exemption status  Loss of membership in Honor Societies or other activities  Loss of recommendations  Damage to your academic reputation and personal credibility

11 Plagiarism  Passing off copyrighted or published work, an electronic source, or another student’s work as your own.  Using downloaded analysis and other types of information during timed or untimed composition.

12 Cheating  Sharing or using test/quiz answers or test/quiz information with other students.  Using any type of electronic device or recording device during testing periods.  Having in one’s possession materials not allowed by the teacher’s written or stated instructions.  Talking or passing notes and materials during a test or writing assignment.  Parents or siblings completing an assignment for a student.

13 Class Rules Be on time and prepared No Cell Phones or Electronic Devices Use appropriate language Raise your hand to speak Exercise mature timing for the use of the restroom Always encourage your classmates positive behavior No Plagiarism or Cheating

14 Late Work Unless otherwise indicated by the teacher, it is English Department policy to not accept late work.

15 Parent Responsibilities  Please refrain from “doing your child’s work.” (Writing or editing papers)  Appropriate assistance  Calling out words or definitions  Helping a child recall events in a literary work as a means of test preparation  Please encourage your child to check her grades at least once a week on Student Access.

16 Communication Please email me if you have questions about this or any other matter, please contact us.

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