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English II Ms. Gallen 512-841-1611 Room 346.

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Presentation on theme: "English II Ms. Gallen 512-841-1611 Room 346."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Ms. Gallen Email: 512-841-1611 Room 346

2 Classroom Rules and Procedures Classroom Rules: Come to class prepared to learn. Be respectful of others. Follow instructions. Follow all School Rules: Be on time to class. 3 tardies or unexcused absenses = phone call home, 5 = referral

3 Grading Criteria  Grading criteria: 50% Daily Assignments 25% Major Grades (Projects, Essays, etc.) 25% Journals, Quizzes, Tests

4 Details concerning Grading Policy Daily Assignments: Journal entries, participation, notebook, warm-ups, other daily activities. Homework: Please keep up with homework assignments!! Major Grades: Projects, tests, quizzes, major writing assignments. In Class Writing assignments

5 Philosophy of Feedback for Written Assignments: We believe that students benefit from honoring the writing process and revising drafts. We believe that students learn how to be better writers when conferencing with peers or with their teachers. Essays and final drafts with excessive comments are often not read or discouraging. We believe students who take ownership of the writing process are empowered learners. Students will receive minimal comments on final drafts of essays, and we will rely on rubrics and writing conferences to assess written assignments. Discussion of a grade should be separate from discussion of a writer’s development.

6 Getting Help: Tutoring during FIT Email:, Phone number: 841-1611.

7 Materials Needed:  A black or blue pen, and a pencil (We will write something every day.)  Any current reading material for class (novel, textbook, short story, handouts, etc.)  Composition Book – Provided and remains in the classroom.  A binder or folder for homework and other handouts.  Loose-leaf paper   Recommended: highlighters, markers, sticky-notes

8 Procedures: Late Work: For major grades, 10 points are deducted each day for the first three class days. After the third day, the most an assignment can receive is a 50%. For daily assignments, I will use my discretion. Academic Dishonesty (Cheating): Any cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero for ALL parties involved- the person who cheated AND the person who allowed someone to cheat off of his or her work. I will then decide whether to apply further consequences or allow any make-up work, retesting, etc. the department policy on plagiarism is that the student will receive a zero and not be allowed to make up the assignment. will be used for most major assignments

9 Course Overview  Writing instruction and practice, especially EOC short- answer questions and essays  Individual and group projects and class presentations  Vocabulary development  Grammar instruction and practice  Relevant literary terms and concepts  Analysis of poetry or songs related to the theme  Connections among art, literature, film, and music.

10 Important Website : reduces plagiarism and allows for instant feedback Teacher websites, school information, etc.

11 Contact Information: Email: 512-841-1611 Room 346 For my website, Google Gallen + Anderson

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