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Unit 2 Group Presentation Brittney WolfordElias Noriega Claudia AndrettaShannon Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Group Presentation Brittney WolfordElias Noriega Claudia AndrettaShannon Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Group Presentation Brittney WolfordElias Noriega Claudia AndrettaShannon Williams

2 Our Research Question What benefits do students gain by studying at the library versus studying at home?

3 Why Our Question Is Important ●Allows for understanding of students studying habits. ●Identifies distractions that students face while studying. ●Analyzes the benefits of studying in the library compared to in dorms/apartments, home and other places.

4 Living Situation/ Study Environments ●Out of the surveyed people ○25 studied at home/dorms, 62.5% ○13 studied at the library, 32.5% ○2 studied other places, 5% ●Out of the 40 people people we surveyed, ○21 people live on campus and 19 live off of campus. ○shows how split the Oakland Community is when it comes to people who commute to the school and the people who dorm here.

5 Library Usage ●Main reason for using the library is for studying/ homework. ○55% or 22 out of 40 ●Second reason for the writing center and to be tutor. ●Top usage reasons pertaining to academics.

6 Preferences and distractions ●The main distraction to students was their cell phones and social media. ●This shows the impact of technology on students today ●Most people choose to study alone in a quiet environment. ○Includes both dorm and library

7 Studying and G.P.A. ●19 (about half of students surveyed) studying 2.1 to 5 hours and 18 spend over 5 hours. (Graph A) ●This could be linked to the fact that most students have a GPA of 3.1-3.5, so maybe a higher GPA could be linked to number of hours spent studying. (Graph B)

8 The Interview ●The following interview was of an off campus student of OU. ○Q. What time do you study? ■A. From about 7P to 11P if I have day classes and 1P-4ish if I have evening/night classes. ○Q. Did you know the library is open 24 hours? ■A. No, I did not. I only would use the the library for midterms and finals though. ○Q. Do you study in the library daily or only for midterm/final time? ■A. I only study for midterms and finals because I normally do study sessions over oovoo with classmates. ○Q. What do you go to the library for? To study, socialize, etc? ■A. I only use the library when I have a major test or exam coming up because as I stated, I take part in the study sessions over the internet.

9 Interview Continued ●Additional Questions ○ What is your GPA? ■My GPA is a 3.4 but it was decreased because of ONE grade. ○ Do you live On campus? ■No I live off-campus but normally ride with my classmate Janae' on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ○Do you feel that the internet study sessions are more beneficial than library studying? ■Well, it works for me (laughs), I'm not sure how well other students would be able to adopt the process but I'm passing so it definitely works for me

10 Results ●Most of the students surveyed lived on campus but the majority chose to study at home, dorm, or apartment opposed to the library. One possible reason for this is because students who live off campus have libraries closer to their home instead of coming to Kresge. ●For those that use the library, the library is a place for them to study and work on homework. ●Majority of students prefer to study alone and in a quiet area. ●Studying in the library does not directly correlate to higher GPAs but it proves an environment that most students prefer to study. ○Research showed that students who spent a great amount to time studying had high G.P.As. ●Phones and social media were found to be the main distractions for students. ○ These distractions can be found both at home and in the library.

11 In Conclusion: Why Our Results Mean Something! ●Establishes insight of the current students attending OU study habits, prefered environment and usage of resources. ●Shows that numerous students prefer studying at home than the library limiting the usage of the resources the library provides. ●Our results can be used by Kresge or OU as statistics regarding the libraries effectiveness with a little more research.

12 Thank you Any Questions?

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