K. Harrison CERN, 22nd September 2004 GANGA: ADA USER INTERFACE - Ganga release status - Job-Options Editor - Python support for AJDL - Job Builder - Python.

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Presentation on theme: "K. Harrison CERN, 22nd September 2004 GANGA: ADA USER INTERFACE - Ganga release status - Job-Options Editor - Python support for AJDL - Job Builder - Python."— Presentation transcript:

1 K. Harrison CERN, 22nd September 2004 GANGA: ADA USER INTERFACE - Ganga release status - Job-Options Editor - Python support for AJDL - Job Builder - Python client for AMI web service - Conclusions

2 22nd September 20042 Ganga release status (1) - Ganga 2.0 released May 2004, and followed by several minor releases  Ganga 2.3 released 13th September 2004  Bulk of code written by A.Soroko  Ganga releases coordinated by J.T.Moscicki - Have built on basic job-management capabilities of Ganga 1.0 (July 2003)  Improved Graphical User Interface (GUI)  Command echoing  Fully functional Job-Options Editor (JOE)  Submission to local batch systems (LSF, PBS)  Job catalogue and automatic monitoring  Simple installation procedure (for RH7.3) - Some LHCb-specific functionality included for testing  Job submission through DIRAC  Access to metadata catalogue

3 22nd September 20043 Ganga release status (2) - Ganga 2.x is a working system  Used successfully on lxplus to run Artemis jobs (C. Collins-Tooth) - Installation instructions and user guides available from Ganga web site: http://ganga.web.cern.ch/ganga/user/v2/QuickStart.htmlhttp://ganga.web.cern.ch/ganga/user/v2/QuickStart.html - Work in progress on ATLAS-specific functionality  Job builder that uses Analysis Job Definition Language (AJDL)  Job submission via AJDL interface  Access to AMI - Aim to have ATLAS features included in Ganga 3.0  Release tentatively pencilled in for mid October, but probably November is more realistic  Release should also include user-friendly Command-Line Interface (J.T.Moscicki)

4 22nd September 20044 Job creation

5 22nd September 20045 Job definition

6 22nd September 20046 Examination of job output

7 22nd September 20047 Job-options editor: main features - Job-Options Editor (JOE) developed by C.L.Tan - Standalone Qt-based graphical editor, available from Ganga - Presents hierarchical view of available options, and helps user with value entry - Multiple job-options files may be edited simultaneously - Have support for both text and Python job-options files - Included files expanded when changes are saved, so that result is portable

8 22nd September 20048 JOE: main window

9 22nd September 20049 JOE: option entry

10 22nd September 200410 Python support for AJDL - Package dial-python developed to allow use of AJDL from Python  Provides bindings for DIAL C++ classes  Provides Python modules to simplify use of these classes - First version of dial-python released with DIAL 0.90 (June 2004)  Uses PyLCGDict to import DIAL classes  Workarounds needed for methods causing problems  Issues with printing object information  Able to submit job to remote DIAL server and query status - Improved version of dial-python released with DIAL 0.92 (August 2004)  Uses PyLCGDict2 to import DIAL classes  No methods causing problems  Object printing enabled by mapping insertion operator associated with C++ class to __str__ function of Python class (solution suggested by J.Generowicz)

11 22nd September 200411 dial-python documentation - Code documentation for dial-python Python modules available at: http://www.usatlas.bnl.gov/~karl/dial-python/

12 22nd September 200412 Job builder - Work by C.L.Tan - Prototype GUI has separate panels for defining Application, Task, Dataset, Preferences -Task builder will integrate JOE for configuring Athena applications - Need to understand interaction with task repository - Dataset selection will rely on access to AMI - Need appropriate handlers for connection to Ganga

13 22nd September 200413 Prototype GUI for AJDL job builder

14 22nd September 200414 Python client for AMI web service - Python client for AMI web service developed by C.L.Tan - Allows use of main AMI methods for querying and updating catalogue - Checks made for mandatory parameters before a command is sent to AMI - XML results returned by AMI are automatically converted to appropriate Python object

15 22nd September 200415 Ganga interface to AMI - Work by C.Collins-Tooth - Simple prototype implemented  Use Python client for AMI web service  Select project / processing step  Build query  Select LFNs, which Ganga adds automatically to job script

16 22nd September 200416 Conclusions - Ganga 2.3 has been released and is a working system  Installation instructions and user guide available from Ganga web site - Good progress made with Python tools for job definition and submission in ADA  dial-python package developed to allow access from Python to functionality of DIAL C++ classes  Work started on AJDL job builder  Python client for AMI web services has been implemented - Aim to include job submission via AJDL interface in Ganga 3.0  Release tentatively scheduled for mid October

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