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K.Harrison CERN, 6th March 2003 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Aims and design - Progress with low-level software - Progress with Graphical User.

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Presentation on theme: "K.Harrison CERN, 6th March 2003 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Aims and design - Progress with low-level software - Progress with Graphical User."— Presentation transcript:

1 K.Harrison CERN, 6th March 2003 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Aims and design - Progress with low-level software - Progress with Graphical User Interface - Conclusions and next steps

2 6th March 20032 Aims - The Indian goddess Ganga descended to Earth to flow as a river (English: Ganges) that carried lost souls to salvation - Ganga software is being developed jointly by ATLAS and LHCb to provide an interface for running Gaudi/Athena applications on the Grid  Deal with all phases of a job life cycle: configuration, submission monitoring, error recovery, output collection, bookkeeping  Carry jobs to the Grid underworld, and hopefully bring them back - Idea is that Ganga will have functionality analogous to a mail system, with jobs having a role similar to mails  Make configuring a Gaudi/Athena job and running it on the Grid as easy as sending a mail

3 6th March 20033 Ganga: schematic representation Gaudi/Athena application Ganga GUI/CLI JobOptions Algorithms Collective & Resource Grid Services Histograms Monitoring Results

4 6th March 20034 Design considerations - Ganga should not reproduce what already exists, but should make use of, and complement, work from other projects, including AtCom, AthASK, DIAL and Grappa in ATLASAthASKDIALGrappa  Should also follow, and contribute to, developments in Physicist Interface (PI) project of LCGPhysicist Interface (PI) - The design should be modular, and the different modules should be accessed via a thin interface layer implemented using a scripting language, with Python the current choice - Ganga should provide a set of tools that can be accessed from the command line (may be used in scripts), together with a local GUI and/or a web-based GUI that simplifies the use of these tools - Ganga should allow access to local resources as well as to the Grid

5 6th March 20035 Tentative Ganga architecture Server EDG UI PYTHON SW BUS XML RPC server XML RPC module GANGA Core Module OS Module Gaudi /Athena GaudiPython PythonROOT PYTHON SW BUS GUI DB Remote user (client) LAN/WAN GRID LRMS Local Job DB Production DB Bookkeeping DB Job Configuration DB

6 6th March 20036 Low-level software - In Ganga, components used to define a job are mapped to Python classes - The low-level software needs to provide representations of the most basic components, and must allow flexibility in manipulating them - Users will have access to low-level data and methods at the command line, but in most cases shouldn’t need them  Common tasks will be simplified through higher-level functionality, available both at the command line and through a GUI - Low-level software presented here works, but is preliminary  Details of component representations are still being discussed by development team

7 6th March 20037 Job components - In the preliminary implementation, the component breakdown is as follows: 6 Job: a WorkFlow and a set of methods for submitting a script to a particular batch system  For now, consider LSF  Grid will be modelled as just another batch system 6 WorkFlow: a series of WorkSteps, defining the sum of the actions to be performed when the job is run 6 WorkStep: a set of sub-components providing all information necessary to run one instance of an executable 6 WorkStep sub-components: Command, InputFile, OutputFile, CMTPackage (produces a library), CMTApplication (has an executable associated with it)  Other sub-components to follow

8 6th March 20038 Defining and running jobs - For now, consider case where experiment’s standard software is pre-installed at the site where the job runs (as for EDG), and user software has been configured (i.e. cmt requirements and job options are defined)  Ganga should help with configuration in the future, but user will always have to do the work of developing his/her own analysis code - User software does not have to be pre-installed on remote site - Command sequences may be entered at Ganga prompt, or may be used in a Python script that imports the Ganga classes: from GangaKernel.GangaImport import 

9 6th March 20039 Atlas example (Atlfast) atlasSetup = GangaCommand(“source /afs/”) atlfast = GangaCMTApplication(“TestRelease”, “TestRelease-00-00-15”,”athena.exe”, “run/AtlasfastOptions.txt”) atlfastOutput = GangaOutputFile(“atlfast.ntup”) workStep1 = GangaWorkStep([atlasSetup,atlfast,atlfastOutput]) workFlow = GangaWorkFlow([workStep1]) lsfJob = GangaLSFJob(“atlfastTest”,workFlow)  At this level, there is less built-in intelligence than in ASK, but a lot of flexibility

10 6th March 200310 LHCb example (DaVinci) lhcbSetup = GangaCommand(“source /afs/”) daVinciSetup = GangaCommand(“source /afs/ DaVinci v7r2”) daVinci = GangaCMTApplication(“Phys/DaVinci”, “v7r2”,”DaVinci.exe”, “options/DaVinci.opts”) daVinciOutput = GangaOutputFile(“dvhistos.hbook”) workStep1 = GangaWorkStep([lhcbSetup,daVinciSetup,daVinci, daVinciOutput]) workFlow = GangaWorkFlow([workStep1]) lsfJob = GangaLSFJob(“daVinciTest”,workFlow)  Command sequences for Atlas and LHCb are very similar

11 6th March 200311 Graphical User Interface - GUI development has been undertaken by A.Soroko - Implementation is based on wxPython extension module - Current version is mainly illustrative  Right buttons are there; full functionality will come later

12 6th March 200312 GUI: basic design Embedded Python interpreter

13 6th March 200313 GUI: job creation Create a new job

14 6th March 200314 GUI: specifying WorkFlow Give name and version of the application

15 6th March 200315 GUI: defining job options Job (application) options downloaded from DB

16 6th March 200316 GUI: defining batch system Define batch system

17 6th March 200317 GUI: defining resource requirements Define necessary resources

18 6th March 200318 GUI: job submission Submit the job (after configuration)

19 6th March 200319 GUI: notification of job submission Job has been submitted successfully

20 6th March 200320 Conclusions and next steps - Low-level tools that allow (pre-configured) jobs to be handled in a similar manner for Atlas and LHCb have been developed - Implementation of GUI is at an advanced stage - Jobs have been submitted successfully through Ganga to Cern LSF  Ready to start experimenting with job submission to Grid - C.L.Tan is working to understand how AtCom and Ganga can best complement one another - C.E.Tull has started investigating possibilities for exploiting Grid Monitoring Architecture in Ganga - Ganga abstract has been accepted for presentation at CHEP03

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