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K.Harrison CERN, 21st November 2002 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Background and scope - Project organisation - Technology survey - Design -

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Presentation on theme: "K.Harrison CERN, 21st November 2002 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Background and scope - Project organisation - Technology survey - Design -"— Presentation transcript:

1 K.Harrison CERN, 21st November 2002 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Background and scope - Project organisation - Technology survey - Design - Work towards first release - Conclusions

2 21st November 20022 Background and scope - Ganga is being developed jointly by ATLAS and LHCb to provide an interface for running Gaudi/Athena applications on the Grid  Deal with all phases of a job life cycle: configuration, submission, monitoring, error recovery, output collection, bookkeeping  Hide Grid technicalities from user - First ideas for Ganga put forward in summer 2001 by P.Mato (LHCb) and C.Tull (ATLAS) - Ganga project supported in UK by GridPP  Cambridge and Oxford each have one joint ATLAS/LHCb post funded until December 2004

3 21st November 20023 Ganga: schematic representation Gaudi/Athena application Ganga GUI/CLI JobOptions Algorithms Collective & Resource Grid Services Histograms Monitoring Results

4 21st November 20024 Project organisation - Current main contributors to Ganga development are:  Design team: K.Harrison, W.Lavrijsen, P.Mato, A.Soroko, C.Tull  Project coordinators for GridPP: N.Brook, R.W.L.Jones - Project information is available on the web: - A mailing list has been set up: - Design team nominally has a telephone meeting once every two weeks (next meeting 3rd December) - Presentations of Ganga status and plans given at various other meetings of ATLAS, LHCb and GridPP

5 21st November 20025 Technology survey (1) - Looked at two systems for distributed production:  AliEnAliEn - Developed and used by ALICE - Has its own Grid middleware, but plan is to incorporate EDG tools in the future - Foresee possibility of distributed analysis using PROOF  SLICESLICE - Developed and used by LHCb - Job control currently based on PVSS, but testing EDG middleware as it becomes available

6 21st November 20026 Technology survey (2) - Looked at two web-based user-Grid interfaces:  GENIUSGENIUS - Developed by NICE srl (Italy) and INFN - Implements all EDG middleware commands, and provides an easy-to-use interface to the EDG Testbed  GRAPPAGRAPPA - Developed by GriPhyN/ATLAS group at Indiana University - Prototype allows submission of Athena Atlfast jobs to US-ATLAS Testbed - Plan evolution to a Virtual-Data Browser: act on Virtual Data, with functionality analogous to a web browser

7 21st November 20027 Design considerations -Technology survey has given us insight into how Ganga should be implemented - Ganga should not reproduce what already exists, but should make use of, and complement, work from other projects, including AthASK, DIAL and Grappa in ATLASAthASKDIALGrappa - The design should be modular, and the different modules should be accessed via a thin interface layer implemented using a scripting language, with Python the current choice - Ganga should provide a set of tools that can be accessed from the command line (may be used in scripts), together with a local GUI and/or a web-based GUI that simplifies the use of these tools - Ganga should allow access to local resources as well as to the Grid

8 21st November 20028 Possible Ganga architecture Server EDG UI PYTHON SW BUS XML RPC server XML RPC module GANGA Core Module OS Module Gaudi /Athena GaudiPython PythonROOT PYTHON SW BUS GUI DB Remote user (client) LAN/WAN GRID LRMS Local Job DB Production DB Bookkeeping DB Job Configuration DB

9 21st November 20029 Ganga components - Core Ganga components, each corresponding to a Python base class, will include:  Application – set of packages, parameters, inputs, outputs  ApplicationHandler – deals with an Application  Job – specification of required Application and batch/Grid resource requests  JobHandler – deals with a Job  Each base class has specialisations for different types of Application/Job - Idea is that Ganga will have functionality analogous to a mail system, with jobs having a role similar to mails  Make configuring a Gaudi/Athena job and running it on the Grid as easy as sending a mail

10 21st November 200210 Example specialisations of base classes ApplicationHandler AnotherApplicationHandler AthenaApplicationHandle r AtlfastApplicationHandler Address different types of applications JobHandler AnotherJobHandler GridJobHandler PBSJobHandlerLSFJobHandler LocalJobHandler Address different types of batch systems

11 21st November 200211 Plans for first release - Aim to have a first release of Ganga in January 2003 - Minimum functionality expected of first release is as follows:  It should run on the CERN Lxplus machines  Implementation choices known to be incompatible with other platforms will be avoided  It should handle a single Gaudi/Athena job, and one job type per experiment  Target Atlfast for ATLAS  Target DaVinci (Gaudi-based analysis) for LHCb  Other types of jobs, and chained jobs, will come later  Job submission will be to the CERN Lxbatch system  Submission to other batch systems and to Grid will be added with subsequent releases (Grid submission by March 2003?)

12 21st November 200212 Current status - First versions of Application, ApplicationHandler, Job, JobHandler base classes have been coded  Working on specialisations - Have implemented an interface to the LHCb JobOptions database  Use xmlrpclib module - Prototype GUI has been created  Probably needs some improvement - Working on environment configuration using cmt from Python  Take AthASK as a starting point, but need to separate experiment-independent parts from workarounds specific to ATLAS

13 21st November 200213 Prototype GUI Embedded Python interpreter Tree of user jobs Job options for selected job

14 21st November 200214 Conclusions - Ganga project has been successfully set up as an ATLAS/LHCb joint venture - A technology survey has been carried out, and has given insight into how Ganga should be implemented - A basic design for Ganga has been formulated  Component based, and will evolve with time - Making good progress towards a first release (January 2003), with job submission to a local batch system - Tentatively aim to have a Ganga release with submission to the Grid around March 2003

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