Nerilee Ceatha, SW Team Leader, Tusla, Child and Family Agency 05/11/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Nerilee Ceatha, SW Team Leader, Tusla, Child and Family Agency 05/11/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nerilee Ceatha, SW Team Leader, Tusla, Child and Family Agency 05/11/2015


3  Quality of life  Meaningful social connectedness  Social support  Community involvement

4  paucity of research on LGBT social well-being through community involvement  30 years of research  vast body of literature  consensus of mental health risk



7  11 people L(5), G(4), B(1) T(1)  aged 22 – 56  7 in relationships, 3 have children  9 Irish, 1 European, 1 North American  10 completed 3 rd level ed’n

8  15 LGBT /16 non-LGBT groups  Physical: athletics, mountaineering, roller derby, rugby  Creative: acting, art, choir, writing  Social: dining, online MeetUp)

9 interests central hugeintegral

10  “I think it’s important…as a part of a sense of self…to be a fully- rounded person…as part of your identity.” (Lesbian, 27)

11 peer support like- minded on a par same wavelength

12  “Being able to engage with my own creativity on my terms.” (Lesbian, 43)

13 connecting mastering wellness making a difference

14  Open, confident and comfortable  Awareness  Breadth of well-being  Creating balance  Promoting self-esteem


16  It’s only been in the past few years I’ve really felt good…felt of sound mind, basically – when I realised I was gay, when I started getting into [interest], learned a lot and met new people. (Gay, 22)

17  Just makes me happy…Yeah, quite relaxing, calming…and fulfilling as well. ( Lesbian, 32)  [ It’s] good for you…good for your emotions, good for your soul; [sharing interest] in a group is very, let’s say, therapeutic. (Lesbian, 36)

18  The benefits are enormous…I am a much nicer person, a much happier person [it] ticks all those boxes – keeps me healthy… gives me time to reflect. (Gay, 46)

19  Sunday…I call my ‘Mental Health Day’ – the day set aside for clearing my head…I tend to go out with [group]…I deeply need that counterbalance. ( Lesbian, 53)

20  “It does build a sense of esteem because people are very appreciative and you constantly get good feedback.” (Gay, 56)

21  “That’s fantastic, that’s one of the best validation experiences…that makes me feel so awesome about [interest]…and so excited.” (Transgender, 28)

22  “I realised…you can do whatever…you want. What interests you, you do it – nothing can stop you. The only limitation is your imagination.” (Gay, 23)

23  Vitality  Understanding of mental health  Challenge stigmatised representations ◦ LGBT ◦ Mental health

24  Promote LGBT interest sharing  Draw on the cultural and social capital within LGBT networks  Recognise the breadth of LGBT diversity  Problematise the dominant ‘at risk’ portrayal of LGBT mental health

25 Thank you!

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