Biochemistry MACROMOLECULES The molecules of life!!!!

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1 Biochemistry MACROMOLECULES The molecules of life!!!!

2 Organic vs. Inorganic Molecules organic molecules contain both carbon and hydrogen and was once living or a product of a living thing inorganic molecules lack both carbon and hydrogen and was not alive or ever alive. e.g. equation for cellular respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 →6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + 36 ATP organic inorganic

3 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY!!! Nutrient Molecules Carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids “principal biological molecules” vitamins minerals Water inorganic organic

4 Macromolecules formed by joining smaller organic molecules into chains called polymers building block units are monomers Greek polys – many, meros - part Building block: Monomer

5 How to Build a Macromolecule Made from combining smaller “building blocks” called MONOMERS Lots of monomers added together make a POLYMER POLYMER = MACROMOLECULE

6 Its Like A Puzzle!!!! Monomers = individual puzzle pieces you can put the pieces together or brake them down Polymer = the finished puzzle

7 1. CARBOHYDRATES Used As: Source of Energy Structural Components Building Block = sugars monosaccharides (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) Examples: starch plant cell wall glucose other sugars BB Shape: Carbohydrate Picture:

8 Carbohydrates 3 types of carbohydrates – monosaccharides – glucose, fructose – disaccharides – sucrose, lactose, maltose – polysaccharides – starch, glycogen, cellulose

9 2. LIPIDS (Fats) Used To: Store energy Form membranes Hormones Insulate Nerve cells Building Blocks = Fatty Acids Examples:Body fat waxes & oils Cell membranes Testosterone BB Shape: Lipid Picture:

10 Lipids Functions: Fats and Oils: 1. long-term energy storage  2X that of carbohydrates 2. insulation 3. Cushion Waxes: 1. Waterproofing 2. Exoskeleton 3. Beehives Phospholipids: 1. Cell Membrane Steriod: 1. Hormones that influence cell metabolism

11 3. PROTEINS Uses: Enzymes Structural Components For growth and repair of tissue Building Blocks = Amino Acids Enzymes Examples:Enzymes Hair Nails Shape: Protein Picture:

12 Proteins Functions  C – contractile proteins – movement  H – hormonal proteins – coordinate activity  E – enzymes – speed up chemical reactions  A – antibodies – defense  T – transport – transport substances  S – structural – support, growth and repair of tissue Examples:  Enzymes – lactase  Hormones

13 proteins are polymers of amino acids (polypeptide)  there are 20 types of amino acids  type is determined by its side chain (“R” group)

14 4. NUCLEIC ACIDS Used To: Store Genetic Info Translate Genetic Info Building Blocks = Nucleotides Examples: DNA RNA Shape: Nucleic Acid Picture:

15 Nucleic Acids Two essential functions 1. information storage  DNA, RNA 2. store and transfer energy EXAMPLES…

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