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Chapter 18.   April 28, 1789- unrest exploded in Paris  By July people were hungry, unemployed, and poorly paid people of Paris had taken up arms On.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 18.   April 28, 1789- unrest exploded in Paris  By July people were hungry, unemployed, and poorly paid people of Paris had taken up arms On."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 18

2   April 28, 1789- unrest exploded in Paris  By July people were hungry, unemployed, and poorly paid people of Paris had taken up arms On the Eve of Revolution

3  Causes  1. Unfair Class & Tax System (Last slide)  2. Economic Troubles  What were the economic causes to the French Revolution?  Deficit Spending:  Wars:  How to solve?  A Poor Harvest  Why a famine?  Effects? Louis XVI of France - portrait by A.F. Callet (1741-1823)

4  Causes Continued  3.The Enlightenment  Paris was home to this philosophical movement rooted in the questioning of the status quo  How did the Enlightenment cause the revolution?  4.The example of the American Revolution  How did the American Revolution cause the French Revolution? John Trumbull's Declaration of Independence, showing the five- man committee in charge of drafting the Declaration in 1776 as it presents its work to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia

5   France had an outdates social system (Ancien Regime) French Society First Estate: Clergy Second Estate: Nobility Third Estate: Vast majority of population

6   First Estate: provided social services- nuns, monks, and priests ran schools, hospitals and orphanages  Second Estate- hated absolutism  Third Estate- most diverse social class  Bourgeoisie- middle class. Included prosperous bankers, merchants, as well as lawyers, doctors, journalists, and professors, peasants Jobs of the social classes

7   Resented the privileges enjoyed by their social “betters”  First and Second Estate did not have to pay taxes  Why should people from the first two estates have such great privileges at the expense of the majority?  Even the smallest rise in the bread prices (their main food) brought the threat of great hunger or even starvation Third Estate

8   One of the causes of the economic troubles was the financial crisis that was due in part to deficit spending  Louis XIV had left France deeply in debt- Seven Years War, American Revolution  To solve the problem- government would have to increase taxes, reduce expenses or both Financial Troubles

9   Financial expert and advisor to Louis XVI.  Urged the king to reduce extravagant court spending, reform government, and abolish burdensome tariffs  Proposed taxing the First and Second Estate. Jacques Necker

10   French kings did not call the Estates General for 175 years  France was on the verge of bankruptcy- 1788  Bread riots spread, nobles were denouncing royal tyranny.  Finally convened in May 1789.  First and Second Estate outvoted the Third Estate Calling the Estates General

11   June 1789- Third Estate claimed to represent the people of France, they declared themselves to be the National Assembly  Were afraid of the king  Tennis Court Oath- swore “never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution.” National Assembly

12   July 14, 1789- city of Paris was seized  Streets buzzed with rumors about the royal troops occupying the capital  800 Parisians assembled outside the Bastille-Prison  Crowd was looking for weapons  Commander of Bastille opened fire on 800 and battle broke out  Enraged people stormed into Bastille and did not find weapons Storming of the Bastille


14  Storming the Bastille  Bastille was a symbol to the people of France representing years of abuse by the monarchy

15  Section 2: The French Revolution Unfolds

16  The people react Section 2: Creating a New France  Revolts in Paris and the Provinces  Why are we seeing revolts?  The Great Fear  What caused it?  Famine + Fear = Crazy Peasants  peasants go crazy over the nobles who were trying to reimpose medieval dues  Attacked homes of nobles  Burned old manor records  Paris in Arms  Revolutionary Center  Factions (small groups) competed for power  Marquis de Lafayette  Headed National Guard – middle class militia formed in response to the royal troops in Paris  Radical Paris Commune  Replaced the royalists government of the city  Could mobilize whole neighborhoods for protests or violent Actions to further the Revolution

17   Political crisis in 1789- coincided with the worst famine  Grain prices soared  People were unemployed  Rumors about attacks lead people to be in fear  Peasants unleash their fury on nobles Political Crisis Leads to Revolt

18   Aristocratic hero of two worlds  Fought alongside George Washington during the American Revolution  Was also the head of the National Guard- middle class militia  The National Guard was the first to wear red, white, and blue Marquis de Lafayette

19   Paris Commune replaced the royalist government of the city  Newspapers and political clubs made an impact Political Unrest

20   August 4- National Assembly voted to end their own privileges. They agree to give up their old manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, special legal status, and exemption from taxes  Feudalism is abolished  Used Enlightenment as a goal- equality of all male citizens before the law.  Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens- modeled after the Declaration of Independence National Assembly Acts

21   Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stats all men have the right to be born free and equal in rights  Liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression  Many women were upset by the Declaration because they did not have rights National Assembly Acts

22   1791- Olympe de Gourges- demanded equal rights in her Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen  Gourges was imprisoned and executed  October 5 th - 6,000 women marched 13 miles from Paris to Versailles demanding “bread” and to see the king Women and the Declaration

23   Daughter of Maria Theresa and her brother was Joseph II  Queen lived a life of great pleasure and extravagance  Was compassionate to the poor Marie Antoinette

24   Has a large bourgeois membership and worked to draft a constitution and to solve the continuing financial crisis  To pay off the huge government debt: Assembly voted to take over and sell Church lands  National Assembly put the French Catholic Church under state control  Civil Constitution of the Clergy-1790- bishops and priests became elected and salaried National Assembly Presses Onward

25   Constitution of 1791- set up a limited monarchy in place of an absolute monarchy  New legislative assembly had the power to make laws, collect taxes, and decide on issues of war and peace  The constitution abolished the old provincial courts and reformed laws  Constitution put the power in the hands of men with means National Assembly

26   European rulers increased border patrols to stop the spread of the “French plague”- the revolution  Émigrés- nobles, clergy and others who had fled France and its revolutionary forces  Declaration of Pilnitz- Prussia and Britain threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy  France took threat seriously and prepared for war Radicals Take Over

27   October 1791- Economic problems led to renewed turmoil  Currency dropped in value  Caused prices to rise rapidly  Uncertainty about prices led to hoarding and caused additional food shortages Economic Issues

28   Sans-Culottes- working class men and women- pushed the revolution into more radical actions  Demanded a republic or government ruled by elected representatives instead of a monarch  Jacobins- mostly middle-class lawyers or intellectuals- supported sans-culottes Sans-Culottes

29   Legislative Assembly declared war first on Austria, then on Prussia, then on Britain and other states  Fighting lasted from 1792-1815 War

30  Section 3: Radical Days of the Revolution

31   1793- France experienced one of the bloodiest regimes in its long history  August 10, 1792- Parisians stormed the royal palace and slaughtered the kings guards  Citizens attacked prisons that held nobles and priests accused of political offenses  Radicals took control of the Assembly  Called for the election of a new legislative body- the National Convention Monarchy is Abolished

32   National Assembly allowed suffrage- the right to vote- extended to all male citizens  September 1792- more radical body- voted to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic  Seized lands of nobles and abolished titles of nobility  Convention put Louis XVI on trial as a traitor to France and he was beheaded  Marie Antoinette was also executed National Assembly

33   1793- France was at war with much of Europe including Britain, the Netherlands, Spain and Prussia.  Sans-culottes demanded relief from food shortages and inflation  Committee of Public Safety- 12 members- had almost absolute power as it battled to save the revolution  French recruits marched off to defend the republic Terror and Danger Grip France

34   Government battled counterrevolutionaries- Maximilien Robespierre- lawyer and politician- rose to leadership of the Committee of Public Safety  Robespierre- embraced Rousseau’s ideas- promoted religious toleration and wanted to abolish slavery  Robespierre led the Reign of Terror: lasted from September 1793-July 1794.  300,000 were arrested and 17,000 were executed  July 27, 1794- Robespierre was arrested and killed Terror and Danger Grip France

35   Moderates set up another constitution  New constitution set up a five man Directory and a two-house legislature elected by male citizens with property  Directory held power from1795-1799  Peace was made with Prussia and Spain, but war with Austria and Great Britain continued The Revolution Enters Its Third Stage

36   Chaos is rampant in France  French look for stability  Napoleon Bonaparte- a popular military hero who had won a series of brilliant victories against the Austrians in Italy  Politicians planned to use him to advance their own goals. Chaos

37  Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte  Early Military Career  What was his reputation?  Napoleon’s Coup de e’tat  Helped overthrow the directory and set-up three man board “the consulate”  Napoleon took title first consul  1802 – named himself consul for life  1804 – had enough power to name himself emperor


39  Revolution Brings Change  1799- Dislodged the old social order, overthrown the monarchy, and brought the Church under the state control  “Citizen” applied to all social classes  Revolution and war gave the French people a strong sense of national identity  Nationalism- a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country

40  Napoleon’s Reforms  Napoleonic Code  Equality of all citizens before the law  Religious toleration  Advancement based on merit – what group wanted this most of all?  Economic Reforms  What did Napoleon reform?  Social Reforms  Public Schools:  Encouraged émigrés to return provided they took an oath of loyalty  Land Reform:  Women:

41  Napoleonic Wars 1804- 1814  The Grand Empire  Strongest power in Europe  Claimed or defeated most of Europe  Forceful diplomacy  Would take kings and queens of European countries off their thrones and replace them with family and friends  1805-1807: Napoleon’s Grand Army defeated Austrian, Prussian, Russian Armies  1807-1812: Napoleon Master of European Empire  Spread of French Revolution principles to conquered territories that will be an important factor in the development of liberalism in these countries. Napoleon's Empire at its greatest extent. Dark Blue-French Empire Medium Blue-Conquered "Rebellious" States Light Blue-Allied States Posted by user Kieran4

42  Continental System: Economic Warfare  Napoleon wanted to take over Great Britain – issue to overcome?  1805 Napoleon prepared to invade Britain  Napoleon defeated at Battle of Trafalgar off the southwest of Spain  Napoleon Tries to Weaken Britain Through Economic Warfare: the Continental System  Explain how the system worked?  Why does it fail?  Still France was at an age Napoleon

43  Invasion of Russia  Why did Napoleon Invade Russia?  How did the Russians choose to deal with Napoleon? Was it successful?  Only 100,000 survived many died and others deserted – What defeated the Grand Army? Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, painted by Adolph Northen in the 19th century

44  Napoleon’s First Defeat  Russia allies with Austria and Prussia against a weakened France  1813 they defeated Napoleon in the Battle of Nations at Leipzig  1814 European troops approach France and Napoleon abdicates  Napoleon is exiled to Elba in the Mediterranean  Louis XVIII, brother of the late king is restored to the French throne Napoleon and Poniatowski at Leipzig, painted by Suchodolski 1797–1875

45  The Final Defeat  Battle of Waterloo  June 18 th, 1815 French Army met English and Prussian forces  Duke of Wellington and General Blucher met at Belgian town of Waterloo  Battle crushed the French Army  Again Napoleon exiled this time to St. Helena where he would eventually die in 1821  What is his legacy? Battle of Waterloo, painted by William Sadler (1782–1839)

46  Congress of Vienna September 1814-June 1815  Called by Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria to restore the “Status Quo” in Europe  Representatives:  They had to try to restore the balance of power  How did they do that?  Other Decisions  Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain create the Quadruple alliance  Pledged to act together to maintain balance of power to suppress revolutionary uprisings  German confederation created (39 states) with Austria as its official head.  Switzerland becomes independent  Nationalism increases throughout Europe – WHY???? The Congress of Vienna by Jean-Baptiste Isabey, (1819).

47  Revolution Outside France  1791 – French colony Saint Domingue (Haiti) revolted  Toussaint L’Ouverture – son of African slaves led the revolt of over 100,000 men  Later Napoleon captured Toussaint and he died in French prison  January 1804 western Hispaniola became first independent nation of Latin America  1793 France went to war with Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Prussia Toussaint Louverture. From a group of engravings done in post-Revolutionary France. (1802)

48  Effects of the French Revolution  Bourgeoisie grow in influence  Revolutions of 1830 & 1848  Latin American Wars of Independence  Congress of Vienna & the Concert of Europe  Spread of Modern European Nationalism  Spread of Revolutionary & Enlightenment Ideas What do you think we are going to see next?

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