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MATH 96 Winter 2016 Course Syllabus Cathy Mulleary.

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1 MATH 96 Winter 2016 Course Syllabus Cathy Mulleary


3 TI 83 OR 84 – KNOW IT WELL Calculator Workshop: RVC: Fri 1/8 11-12:50, HEC 124 RWC: Wed 1/13 3-4:50, Z-1 Study Skills for Math Success CG11 RVC: Thursdays 1:30-3:20, A-12 RWC: Thursdays 2:00-3:50, I-4

4 INSTRUCTOR INFO  Cathy M. Iannone-Mulleary  Math Department (RVC): (541) 245-7527  TRC Office, Room 157: (541) 245-7981  Office Hours – Available by Appointment  Email:  Website:

5 Instructor’s Website HTTP://GO.ROGUECC.EDU/USER/CMULLEARY/MTH63 HTTP://GO.ROGUECC.EDU/USER/CMULLEARY/MTH63  Syllabus  Schedule  Lecture Notes  Activities  Test Reviews/Solutions  Videos  Other Great Links

6 PLACEMENT  Wrong placement? See advisor ASAP Review course Sequence!!! (next page) I have no idea what this guy is talking about!


8 SUPPLIES NEEDED Pencils Erasers Stapler Ruler Notebook Lined and graph paper Calculator (TI-83 or 84)

9 GRAPH PAPER  Green  Yellow

10 ACCOMMODATIONS  If you are in need of accommodations as identified with Disability Services:  You need to meet with me privately during the first week of the term to make arrangements.  Otherwise, accommodations may not be provided.

11 IF YOU NEED HELP  Text & Videos  Fellow Students  Tutoring Center  E-Tutoring  Kahn Academy   Instructor

12 HOMEWORK FORMAT  Heading - upper right corner Name Math96 Text Section Number List of Problems Assigned  Don’t crowd your work  Follow directions  Be organized (top down)  One graph per side

13 GRADING STRUCTURE  Homework 30%  Activities (projects) 10%  Tests (final is worth 20%)60% 100% Grades are posted on Blackboard

14 WHAT DOES IT TAKE?  This class is a graded class A90.00 – 100% B80.00 – 89.99 C70.00 – 79.99 D60.00 – 69.99 F00.00 – 59.99

15 POLICIES & PROCEDURES  No tardies  Cell phones – off Texting – you’re out  Late homework not accepted  Activities - no make ups  Makeup tests, 20% deduction

16 GROUND RULES  Pencil only  No circling answers  No underlining of answers  No arrows or notes  No highlighting  No paper with fringes

17 OUR CONTRACT  The syllabus is our contract  Read it in detail  Sign off sheet is required  Sounds like a lot, but at least you know where the target is.  Questions?????

18 NOTE TAKER  “There may be a student in this class who requires the assistance of a note taker. If you believe that you take satisfactory notes and would like to be paid for a copy of them, please contact the Disability Services Office on the Riverside Campus in Building G, Room 207.”

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