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Unit 3 Study Guide Age of Exploration and Absolute Monarchs.

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1 Unit 3 Study Guide Age of Exploration and Absolute Monarchs

2 When was the Age of exploration? 1400-1700s

3 3 Reasons for Exploration Gold-wanted wealth God-spread Christianity Glory-gain fame and fortune

4 Improved technology Caravel-improved ship that could sail against the wind/shallow water Compass-sailing more accurate Astrolabe-used stars to show direction Cartographers- map makers; used longitude & latitude

5 Explorers Columbus- Spain/ claimed Caribbean Islands James Cook- England/New Zealand and Australia Vasco da Gama- Portugal/established trade route to India by going around the tip of Africa. Prince Henry- Portugal/created school of navigation Zheng He- China/7 voyages to show off China’s wealth Magellan- Spain/1 st to circumnavigate the world Samuel de Champlain- France/claimed Quebec in Canada

6 Triangular Trade

7 Columbian Exchange Columbian Exchange- trading of goods between old and new world Mercantilism- power of country depends on wealth; selling more than buying Capitalism- private ownership of property

8 Columbian Exchange

9 Middle Passage “middle” of triangular trade/enslaved AFricans

10 Absolute Monarchs Absolutism: belief that one ruler should hold all the power Divine right: idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarchy only answered to God.

11 Louis XIV French Forced nobility to live with him in Versailles Removed them from the council Built the palace of Versailles Art created to show dominance of Louis XIV Nicknamed “Sun King”

12 Peter the Great Russia Westernized dress Forced boyars to shave beard or pay beard tax Created new capital, St. Petersburg Made himself head of Church and State Took away land from boyars and gave to the poor

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