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Early Colonies 13 Colonies More 13 Colonies Potpourri Government & Documents 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Early Colonies 13 Colonies More 13 Colonies Potpourri Government & Documents 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 QUESTION: Was founded as a buffer to keep Spain from attacking the other colonies. ANSWER: What is Georgia?

4 QUESTION: Had subsistence farming due to poor and rocky soil conditions. ANSWER: What are the New England Colonies?

5 QUESTION: Offer land grants to attract settlers and had religious tolerance. ANSWER: What are the Middle Colonies?

6 QUESTION: These colonies are unique because of their labor intensive crops. ANSWER: What are the Southern Colonies?

7 QUESTION: This Middle Colonies got this nickname from its economy which was made up of flour making from their crops of wheat, barley and oats. ANSWER: What are the Bread Basket colonies?

8 QUESTION: Has long hot summers, and fertile soil. ANSWER: What are the Southern Colonies?

9 QUESTION: This colonial region was most dependent upon the ocean for its economy. ANSWER: What are the New England Colonies?

10 QUESTION: This spread throughout the colonies and was not limited to just the southern colonies depending on labor needs. ANSWER: What is slavery?

11 QUESTION: These protected the colonists from the French & the Natives, but kept the colonies from expanding or easily moving westward. ANSWER: What are the Appalachian Mountains?

12 QUESTION: This group used their farming expertise to help the Southern Colonies with their labor intensive crops. ANSWER: Who are the slaves?

13 QUESTION: Someone working off a debt without pay to pay for their passage to America. ANSWER: What is an indentured servant?

14 QUESTION: The idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society. ANSWER: What is enlightenment?

15 QUESTION: A nation will have more power and wealth if it has more trade. ANSWER: What is mercantilism?

16 QUESTION: The inhumane crossing of slaves across the ocean to the West Indies. ANSWER: What is the Middle Passage?

17 QUESTION: People had lost their faith because they were more worried about success and wealth until a religious rebirth happened. ANSWER: What is the Great Awakening?

18 QUESTION: In Jamestown, the first form of representative form of government. ANSWER: What is the House of Burgesses?

19 QUESTION: King James was overthrown and Parliament retained lawmaking powers. ANSWER: What is the Glorious Revolution?

20 QUESTION: An early attempt at self government in the English Colonies. ANSWER: What is the Mayflower Compact?

21 QUESTION: First example of a written constitution in colonial America. ANSWER: What is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

22 QUESTION: Colonists pledged their loyalty to England, to create a government, and to obey laws for the good of the colony. ANSWER: What is the Mayflower Compact?

23 QUESTION: John White and Sir Walter Raleigh’s “Lost Colony.” ANSWER: What is Roanoke?

24 QUESTION: Colonist here ate dogs, rats, poisonous snakes and even dead bodies during the starving time. ANSWER: What is Jamestown?

25 QUESTION: The Natives taught these people at Plymouth how to grow crops and skills to survive the harsh winters. ANSWER: Who are the Pilgrims?

26 QUESTION: The message found at Roanoke by John White. ANSWER: What is “Croatoan?”

27 QUESTION: Helped the Pilgrims the most with growing crops and trading with the Indians even though he was captured by them at first. ANSWER: Who was Squanto?

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