1.1 & 1.2: The Americas, West Africa and Europe Jachimiec U.S. History 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "1.1 & 1.2: The Americas, West Africa and Europe Jachimiec U.S. History 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.1 & 1.2: The Americas, West Africa and Europe Jachimiec U.S. History 2015-16

2 Ancient Cultures in the Americas First hunters arrived 22,000 years ago (Ice Age) via Beringia land bridge Agricultural Revolution 8000-3000 B.C. Mix of nomadic and farming tribes

3 Great Empires of Middle and South America Olmecs (1200-400 B.C.) in southern Mexico Maya (250-900 A.D.) in southern Mexico and Guatemala Aztecs (1200s-1500s A.D.) in south-central Mexico Incas (peak around 1400 A.D.) in Andean highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Chile

4 Olmec “Colossal Head”

5 Chichen Itza

6 Tenochtitlan, Valley of Mexico


8 Machu Picchu, Peru

9 North American Tribes Diverse climates=diverse peoples and ways of life Sophisticated trade patterns, roads

10 Cahokia, Illinois

11 Mississippian Mound Cultures

12 Common Traits Highly religious and ritualistic Extensive trade Land not treated as a commodity (source of life) Animistic beliefs Kin-based relationships organize clans and tribes

13 West Africa Large, powerful kingdoms and sophisticated societies Connected by trade to Europe, Middle East and Far East – Gold – Salt Kinship bonds highly important Polytheistic religions that favor a single creator Collective ownership of lands according to family, village and/or tribe Trade (including slave trade) begins with Portuguese arrival in 1440s

14 Caravan to Timbuktu

15 Europe Social class dictates position in life. Low social mobility Renaissance (1400-1600): rediscovery of classical learning and artistic/cultural reawakening Christianity dominate religion – Split within the Church in 1500s between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism (Reformation) 1400s- emergence of strong nations: England, France, Spain and Portugal



18 Age of Exploration: Why? Interest in Far East (Marco Polo, Crusades) Desire for more efficient trade routes to get exotic goods (spices) – Want to bypass Muslim overland routes Monarchs see expansion as a way to increase their wealth and prestige. – 3 G’s: Gold, God & Glory

19 Age of Exploration: How? Improvements in cartography (map-making) Technological improvements – Astrolabe – Magnetic compass – Caravel/Lateen sails

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