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The Roots of the American People

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1 The Roots of the American People
Chapter 1 The Roots of the American People

2 Why study history ? Movement Development of civilizations
Separations of cultures Different languages communications

3 1.1 the Earliest Americans
A. The First Americans How did the first humans arrive on the North American Continent 1. Land Bridge Theory during ice age parts of the North America water level dropped exposing land

4 People moved from Asia following large game and continued to spread throughout
Coastal Route some theory believes people actually used boats to follow food

5 2. Learning to Farm big game began to disappear people became gatherers 8,000 years ago gatherers figured out how to grow crops…,

6 Results people settled in one area farmed land, raised animals population increases villages & towns are created

7 B. Three Civilizations When towns develop Civilization evolves
Civilization is the development of culture religions , government, education The 3 largest are Maya, Aztec, & Inca

8 1. Maya Existed between 900-250 A.D. located in central America
Created Temples, plazas ,palaces ball courts Developed arts, religion, government & written languages Around 900 AD the civilization disappears

9 2. Aztec Rises as the Maya’s fall Creates a large capitol city
Tenochtilan located where Mexico City is today largest city of the world had a central religion created an army to capture more land

10 3. Inca Located in South America Came into power in 1400’s
Capitol was Cuzco Created a great highway system

11 1.2 Cultures of North America
A. First Cultures of North America evidence native American tribes begin to emerge about 3,000 yrs each group will adapt to the environment that surrounds them

12 1. Mound Builders located on the east coast of the united states evidence of the earliest Indian nations were usually religious or burial mounds

13 2. Anasazi located in the southwest region built house into cliff for protection

14 3. Hohokam Tribe Located Az & Ca. Know for building canals to irrigate land Had a large trade connection Descendents of May & Aztecs

15 B. Ways of Life Women were usually the gatherers
grains berries , nuts etc Men usually were hunters and fishers Most Indian Nations grew some food All nations traded among themselves using shells, copper, pottery as money

16 2. Beliefs Most Indian Nations believe in nature gods or spirits Passed on the culture story tellers

17 C. Native American Far North Inuit Northwest
Pacific Coast lived in large groups survived on bear salmon custom of Potlatch

18 Southwest Apache, Hopi, Comanche, Navajo most are nomads following food

19 Pueblos built houses from adobe

20 Great Plains Indians Crow , Blackfeet, Dakota, Arapaho Would plant crops and follow buffalo Lived in portable houses tepee

21 Eastern Woodland Algonquin, Iroquois, Leni-Lenape Miami, Shawnee Women held the lineage , the most important members of the family


23 SouthEast Cherokee, Creeks, Natchez Most were farmers Climate mild could build houses from mud & straw

24 1.3 Trade & Networks of Asia
Europeans , Africans, and Asians exchanged goods, ideas and influenced each other through TRADE

25 A. Muslim Link in trade The rise in trade between Europe & the Middle East and the Far East Created a new religion Islam

26 Islam founder was profit
Mohamed There is one god Allah Sacred book Quran 5 pillars to Islam

27 Arabs had an advance in learning
of medicine astronomy ship building math

28 B. African Link in Trade Trade develops in east Africa
Trading in gold, ivory, furs, cloth and pottery West Africa trade develops through he Sahara Desert Trading in salt , gold, & people

29 C. East Asian Link China trades with India Korea Japan Middle East

30 Silk trade routes with China

31 Chinese were very advanced in
Movable type Magnetic compass Trades in silk, spices, bronze , gunpowder

32 1.4 The European Heritage A. Judeo- Christian Traditions
Europe is influenced by two major religions Judaism and Christianity

33 Judaism Developed about 1700 b.c. Believed in one god - Prophet Moses gave the Ten Commandments -

34 Christianity Developed 2,000 years ago Based on the teachings of Christ Belief on one God Jesus is Messiah, Savior This will become the largest religion in Europe

35 B. Greeks & Romans Democracy developed by the Greeks 500 bc
laws are created by the people excludes women, slaves & foreigners

36 Roman Law creates a republic Government is run by elected officials create laws of the land and peoples rights

37 Middle Ages 1,000 years of decline of
civilization of Europe Crusades religious war to spread Christianity Renaissance in Europe , the age of enlightenment

38 C. Age of Exploration European Nation want to be strong and grow
Goal is to spread Christianity

39 Prince Henry the Navigator ( Portugal)
Teaches sailors how to use astrolabe Magnetic compass Create maps ( cartography) Identify latitude & longitude

40 Vasco Da Gamma ( Portugal)
Sails south around the Cape of Good Horn In Africa The first Sailor to do so WHY? Vasco da Gamma – Portuguese explorer – first person to sail directly from Europe to India.



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