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Project By: Luke Cirlingione.  The Transportation Revolution was advances during the mid-1800’s in the speed and ease of transportation, and an increase.

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Presentation on theme: "Project By: Luke Cirlingione.  The Transportation Revolution was advances during the mid-1800’s in the speed and ease of transportation, and an increase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project By: Luke Cirlingione

2  The Transportation Revolution was advances during the mid-1800’s in the speed and ease of transportation, and an increase in transportation.  It produced the rapid growth of cities and towns.  In 1820 people lived in cities with a population greater than 2,500.

3  Steamboats were a very affective way of transportation.  There were many navigable bodies of water in the east, making steamboats a must in transportation  By the early 1800’s many steam-powered crafts were transporting people and goods.


5  The Ohio and Mississippi Rivers held over seventy steamboats by 1820 and five- hundred by 1840.  In 1812 a steamboat traveled from Pittsburgh to New Orleans.  A lot of Westerners usually decorated there steam boats with decorations, and were always adding improvements.

6  Rutted and muddy, roads through mountain passes were an easy solution for transportation.  Road builders depended on gravel, sand, and stone to build the roads for transportation.

7  In 1812, the government ordered there be a paved road “National Road” which reached from the Potomac River to the Ohio River.  Was used for long distance transportation of people and goods.

8  Canals are man-made rivers used to transport goods and other things.  Settlers wanted good routes that would connect their settlements to rivers. The answer was canals.  Many boats were used in canals to transport goods, and many other things.

9  Railroads were the fastest of transportation.  Railroads were not safe, and accidents did happen like the boiler blowing up, and killing the driver of the train.  Railroads were the most effective way of transporting goods, and other things.


11  In 1800, Oliver Evans creates the earliest successful non-condensing high pressure stationary steam engine. Which was a great advance in railroads.  The first locomotive was built in 1814 by George Stephenson.  This build was one of the greatest for the railroad.


13  A stagecoach is a type of covered wagon for passengers and goods.  Stagecoaches were very effective, and were powered by horses.  Many people used them

14 All in all the Transportation Revolution made transporting goods and people easier, and was a very good time period for new inventions, and transportation devices.

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