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Washington Gardener Magazine “Publishing a book is really nothing but a socially acceptable opportunity to promote yourself and your ideas far and wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Gardener Magazine “Publishing a book is really nothing but a socially acceptable opportunity to promote yourself and your ideas far and wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Gardener Magazine “Publishing a book is really nothing but a socially acceptable opportunity to promote yourself and your ideas far and wide and often. ” ~ Seth Godin, self publishing guru Be Your Own Garden Publishing Brand

2 Why Be Your Own Self-Publishing Brand? Control of Content and Image Speed of Publication Capture Unique Audiences Big Publishers Ignore Ease of Partnerships and Cross-Promotions Bigger Share of Any Profits (also bigger risk) You are already expected by any professional publishers to have a brand and audience built up prior to any book launch. When you have established your expertise, publishers will seek YOU out.

3 Branding Basics Establish a niche or specialty in your marketplace. You do not have to re-invent the wheel nor should you worry about others in your market niche. Rachel Ray and Martha Stewart both can exist in the same universe. Your personality and take on a subject is unique, use it. You are your brand. You will live it 24-7.

4 A Publication is the Start, not the End Product. Printing is expensive, you may, if lucky, break even. You MUST diversify and look for other revenue streams. Book Public Speaking Appearances Host Events Hold Contests Sell Variations of Your Publication Start a Club, Association, or Organization Sell Sponsorships or Advertising

5 Giving Something For Free But NOT everything! You will need to decide that comfort line between free/paid for yourself, but, in general. Here are freebies you may want to consider to build your audience: Book or article excerpts online or in print Guest Blogging Tip of the Day/Week/Month via Twitter, Facebook or Direct Email Monthly Enewsletter Contests Talks at libraries and other groups that can’t afford paid speakers. Copies to media for reviews. Copies to charity auctions. Copies at related events inserted in good bags or as door prizes.

6 Consistency Across Platforms Use the same Avatar photo or image in all your social media. Use the same color scheme, logo and art in all print and online publishing. Use the same name or recognizable Brand name across media platforms. Cultivate a personal look and style. Do not let more than a week go by between blog posts or checking in with other social media. Out of sight is out of mind.

7 Look Out for Win-Win Partnerships Exchange articles (book excerpts) for advertising space in related publications. Trade talks at events for booth/table space. Create unique events to host at local stores or public gardens. Partner with related clubs and organizations to host a talk or meeting.

8 Reach Out to the Media Listen to local Radio shows and watch local TV news broadcasts, call/email and ask for the segment producers and pitch your idea for a recurring segment. Free content for them means great exposure for you. Host events and invite the local newspapers. Keep in mind, they are all under-staffed so provide them with event photos and a summary afterwards. Whenever you release a new title or start a new project, send out a press release.

9 Branding Tip – Twitter Hashtags Create your own hashtag for your Brand and use it whenever you tweet about your subject. Encourage others to use it as well. This is especially important for event marketing. Encourage your attendees to use it when talking before, after and during the event. (A hashtag is a quick word or phrase preceded by the # symbol that is included in posts on Twitter to tie various tweets together. For example, #gardenDC or #GWAdfw.)

10 Branding Tip – Use Yahoo Groups Start your own Yahoo discussion list specializing in your topic Participate in related Yahoo group lists and give FREE advice generously Don’t forget to have a complete email signature with a link to your web site

11 Questions? Kathy Jentz Editor/Publisher Washington Gardener Magazine 826 Philadelphia Ave. Silver Spring MD 20910 301-588-6894 GardenerMagazine

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