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Welcome Main Office 422-2223.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Main Office 422-2223."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Main Office 422-2223

2 Students are expected to  come to class on time with materials, homework, and current work.  follow classroom routines and rules.  complete classwork and homework on time.  see the teacher for any work missing work especially after an absence.  respect classmates and teacher.  work to the best of their abilities.

3  aligned with the Common Core Standards  listening, speaking, reading & writing are incorporated throughout the program

4  Socratic Seminar-style class; the Shared Inquiry Model focuses on critical thinking, speaking and listening while using test-based evidence to support ideas.  Encourages peer collaboration  Exposes students to sophisticated text in fiction, nonfiction and poetry genres.

5 Reading  Short stories, poetry, non-fiction texts  Independent Reading  Reading Strategy work Shared Inquiry Discussion  allows students to achieve a deeper understanding of a text by discussing questions, responses, and insights with fellow readers. Writing  Text-based responses to literature  Use of appropriate grammar and conventions Vocabulary

6  Independent Reading  Book Hooks  Reading Logs  Vocabulary Work  Shared Inquiry Logs  Reading Response Work  Idea-based writing

7  Written in the planner  Given on a regular basis  Listed on webpage  Team calendar

8  Independent Reading (25%) Reading Logs Book Hooks  Written Assessments (20%)  Classwork (40%) Tests and Quizzes Shared inquiry discussions Other graded classwork  Homework (15%)

9  Check the quality of your child’s work  Check to see they have the supplies and materials they need  Check their notebooks  Check their planner  Sign graded work, quizzes, and tests.

10 Homework Center –2:45pm-4:15pm (begins in October) Guidance Counselor  Ms. Birke ( Room 106) Main Office 422-2223

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